Data Analysis?
- The collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to draw conclusions, make predictions, and drive informed decision-making
Data Analytics?
Data Analyst?
- someone who collects, transforms, and organizes data in order to help make informed decisions
Data Science?
- creating new ways of modeling and understanding the unknown by using raw data
1. Introduction of Data Analytics
2. How to think Analytically
3. Exploring the World of Data
4. Setting up the Data Toolbox
5. Discovering Data career possibilities
6. Completing the Course Challenge
Learning Log: Think about data in daily life
- How many dogs are walked and how many times a day?
- How academic achievements are linked to a daily dose of coffee?
- What are the opportunity costs people are willing to pay for a new restaurant?
- How many bus stops are considered tolerable distances for each age group?
- What is the most widely used decision-making mechanism?
Data Analysts go through..
- Ask
- Prepare
- Process
- Analyze
- Share
- Act
Data Ecosystem?
- Ecosystem?
- a group of elements that interact with one another
Data Ecosystem?
- various elements that interact with one another in order to produce, manage, store, organize, analyze, and share data
- a place to keep data online, rather than a hard drive