[DETR] End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers (ECCV 2020)

YEOM JINSEOP·2023년 9월 27일

Authors: Nicolas Carion, Francisco Massa, Gabriel Synnaeve, Nicolas Usunier, Alexander Kirillov, and Sergey Zagoruyko

  • DETR is a new method
    that views object detection
    as a "direct set prediction problem".
    predicts all objects at once.

  • Removes the need for
    many hand-designed components
    like a 'non-maximum suppression procedure' or 'anchor generation'
    that explictly encoder our prior knowledge
    about the task

🔑 Key Points

  • Main ingredients of DETR,
    1) Set-based global loss ("a set loss function")
    that forces unique predictions
    via bipartite matching
    between predicted & GT objects

    2) Transformer encoder-decoder architecture
    with (non-autoregressive) parallel decoding"
    that predidcts a set of objects & models their relation.

    (Self-Attention mechainsm,
    which explicitly model all pairwise interactions
    between elements in a sequence,
    make suitable for
    constraints of set predictions
    such as removing duplicate predictions)

  • Given a fixed small set of "learned object queries",
    DETR reasons about
    1) Relations of the objects
    2) Global image context
    to directly output the final set of predictions
    in parallel.

1) Set Prediction Loss

1-1) Object Detection Set Prediction Loss

  • DETR infers a fixed-size set of NN predictions,
    in a single pass
    through the decoder
    (where NN is set to be
    significantly larger than
    the number of objects in an image)

  • Main difficulty of training is
    to score Predicted objects (class, position, size)
    w.r.t. Ground Truth.

  • 1) Our loss produces
    an optimal Bipartite matching
    between predicted & GT objects.

  • 2) And then, optimize object-specific (bounding box) losses.

STEP 1) Bipartite Matching

  • To find Bipartite Matching
    between Predicted & GT set of objects,
    ➡️ we search for a permutation of NN elements σ\sigma
    with the lowest cost.

    yy: GT set of objects,
    y^\hat{y} Prediction set of objects ({y^i}i=1N)(\in \{\hat{y}_i\}^N _{i=1}),
    σ(i)σ(i): index ii,
    Lmatch(yi,y^σ(i))L_{match}(y_i, \hat{y}_{σ(i)}): pair-wise matching cost
    between yiy_i and y^σ(i)\hat{y}_{σ(i)}

    (Assuming NN is larger than
    the number of objects in the image,
    we consider yy also as a set of size NN
    padded with \emptyset(no object)).

  • This optimal assignment is computed efficiently
    with the Hungarian algorithm,
    following prior work.


  • Each element ii of the GT set
    can be seen as a yi=(ci,bi)y_i = (c_i, b_i)

    cic_i: target class label (which may be \emptyset)
    bib_i \in [0,1]4[0, 1]^4: vector that defines
    GT box center coordinates, height, width
    relative to image size.

  • Each element of the Prediction set, with index σ(i)σ(i)
    cic_i : probabiliry of class (as y^σ(i)(ci)\hat{y}_{σ(i)} (c_i))
    bσ(i)^\hat{b_σ(i)}: predicted box.

  • we define Lmatch(yi,y^σ(i))L_{match} (y_i, \hat{y}_σ(i)):

  • This procedure of finding matching
    plays the same role as
    the heuristic assignment rules
    used to match proposal or anchors to GT obejcts
    in modern detectors.
    main difference: we need to find one-to-one matching
    for direct set prediction w.o duplicates

STEP 2) Optimize Object-Specific Loss

  • To compute loss function, HungarianHungarian LossLoss for all pairs
    mathced in previous step.

  • we define the loss
    similarly to the losses of common object detectors,
    (i.e., a linear combination of a negative log-likelihood
    for class prediction and a box loss defined later):

    σ^\hat{σ}: optimal assignment
    computed in the 'First-Step'

  • (refer to paper for details )

Bounding box loss

  • Second part of the matching cost & Hungarian loss
    is Bounding box loss Lbox()L_{box}(\cdot)
    that scores the bounding boxes.

  • Unlike many detectors that
    do box predictions
    as a w.r.t some initial guesses,
    we make box predictions directly.

  • Lbox(bi,b^σ(i))L_box(b_i, \hat{b}_{σ(i)}):

  • (refer to paper for details )

⭐ 2) Transformer-based DETR Architecture

  • Three main components
    1) a CNN backbone
    to extract a compact feature representation
    2) an encoder-decoder Transformer
    3) a FFN(feed forward network)
    that makes the final detection prediction.

feature map ff ➡️ smaller dimension feature map z0z_0 ➡️ one dimension feature map

➡️ Object Queries ➡️ output embedding

➡️ ' bounding box coord.' & 'class labels' ➡️ resulting in final predictions

CNN Backbone

  • input: initial image ximgx_{img}
    R3×H0×W0\in \mathbb{R}^{3 \times H_0 \times W_0} (with 3 color channels)

  • output: a lower-resolution feature map ff
    RC×H×W\in \mathbb{R}^{C \times H \times W}

  • (Typical values we use are
    C=2048C = 2048 and H,W=H0/32,W0/32H, W = H_0 / 32, W_0 /32 )

Transformer Encoder

  • feature map ff ➡️ smaller dimension feature map z0z_0 ➡️ one dimension feature map

  • First, 1 x 1 convolution
    reduces the channel dimension of
    high-level feature map ff
    from CC to a smaller dimension dd.

    creating a new feature map z0z_0 ( Rd×H×W\in \mathbb{R}^{d \times H \times W} )

  • Encoder expects a sequence as input,
    hence we collpase the spatial dimension of z0z_0
    into one dimension,
    resulting in a d×HWd \times H W feature map

  • Each encoder layer has a standard architecture
    consists of 'multi-head self-attention module' and a 'FFN'.

  • Fixed 'positional encodings' are added to
    input of each attention layer,
    Since transofrmer architecture is permutation-invariant

Transformer Decoder

  • Input: object queries(input embedding)

  • Output: output embedding

Object Query

Object Query는 Object Query FeatureObject Query Positional Emedding으로 구성됨.

Object Query Feature는 Decoder에서 initial input으로 사용되어,
decoder layer를 거치면서 학습됨.
학습 시작 시 0으로 초기화 (zero-initialized)되며,

Object Query Positional Emedding은 Decoder Layer에서 attention 연산 시 모든 Query Feature에 더해짐.
학습 가능(learnable)함.

  • 이러한 Object Qeury는 길이가 NN으로,
    Decoder에 의해 output embedding으로 변환(transform) 되며,
    이후 FFN을 통해 각각 independentlyindependently하게 box coordinate와 class label로 decode됨.

  • 각각의 Object Query는 하나의 Object를 예측하는 region proposal에 대응된다고 볼 수 있다.
    (NN 개의 Object를 예측하기 위한 일종의 Prior Knowledge로 볼 수 있음)

  • Object Query를 각 attention layer의 입력에 더해줌.
    이때, embedding은 self-attention과 encoder-decoder attention을 통해
    image 내의 전체 context에 대한 정보를 사용함.
    이를 통해 object 사이의 pair-wise relation을 포착하여,
    object간의 global한 정보를 모델링하는 것이 가능해짐.

  • Decoder follows the standard architecture of transformer,
    transforming NN embeddings of size dd
    using multi-headed self- & encoder-decoder attention mechanisms,
  • Difference with the original transformer is that
    our model decodes the NN objects in parallel
    at each decoder layer.
    (We refer the reader unfamiliar with the concepts to the suppl. materials)

  • Since the decoder is also 'permutation-invariant',
    the NN "input embeddings" must be different to produce different results.

  • These "input embeddings" are learnt positional encodings
    that we refer to as object queries,

    and similarly to the encoder,
    we add them to the input of each attention layer.

  • NN object queries are transformed into an "output embedding"
    by the decoder.

  • They are then independentlyindependently decoded into 'box coordinates' and 'class labels'
    by a FFN (described in the next).
    resulting NN final predictions.

  • Using self- & encoder-decoder attention over these embeddings,
    the model globally reasons about all objects together
    using pair-wise relations between them,
    while being able to use the whole image as context.

Prediction FFN (Feed-Forward Networks)

  • Decoder에서 출력한 output embedding을
    3개의 linear layer와 ReLU activation function으로 구성된 FFN에 입력하여 최종 예측을 수행합니다.

  • FFN은 이미지에 대한 class label과 bounding box에 좌표(normalized center coordinate, width, height)를 예측합니다.
    이 때 예측하는 class label 중 ∅은 객체가 포착되지 않은 경우로, "background" class를 의미합니다.

➡️ ' bounding box coord.' & 'class labels' ➡️ resulting in final predictions

  • Final prediction is computed by a 3-layer perceptron
    with ReLUReLU ativation function & hidden dimension dd & a liner projection layer.

  • FFN predicts 'the normalized center coordinates', 'height & width of the box'
    w.r.t the input image,

  • and Linear Layer predicts 'class label'
    using a softmax function.

  • additional class label \emptyset
    Since we predict a fixed-size set of NN bounding boxes,
    (where NN is usually much larger than the actual number of objects of interest in an image,)
    an additional class label \emptyset is used to represent
    that no object is detected within a slot.

    This class plays a similar role to the "background" class
    in the standard object detection approaches.

Auxiliary decoding losses

  • We found helpful to use 'auxiliary losses'
    in decoder during training,
    especially to help the model output
    the correct number of objects of each class.

  • We add prediction FFNs & Hungarian loss
    after each decoder layer.

  • All predictions FFNs share their parameters.

  • We use an additional shared layer-norm
    to normalize the input to the prediction FFNs
    from different decoder layers.

🤔 Limitations

  • DETR demonstrates better performance
    on large objects,
    however, lower performances
    on small objects.

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