1. Introduction - Basic Cryptographic Tools

Yona·2021년 9월 29일

🌙 CS_security

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👀 Basic Cryptographic Tools Overview

Encryption / Decryption

  • Symmetric Cryptography(Block Ciphers, Stream Ciphers)
  • Asymmetric Cryptography(Public key)

Hashing : Message Authentication Code

Digital Signature



C = E(M,K)

  • plain text message M -> Ciphertext C
  • using an unique key K


M = D(C,K)

  • cipher text C -> plaintext M
  • M = under control of key K

Kerckohoffs Principle

  • 적은 이미 시스템을 알고있음을 가정
  • E, D 알고리즘을 attacker가 이미 안다고 가정
  • K는 몰라야함. K 잘 숨기고, 보안은 K 에 depend on 해야.
  • should be C를 observe한 사람이 M이나 K를 reasonable time안에 recover하는것이 computationally infeasible(실행불가능) 해야

Symmetric Encryption

Asymmetric Encryption

🌻 Hashing : Message Authentication Code(MAC)

MAC = H(M)

detect of any modification of plaintext

Hash function

  • easy to compute H(M)
  • preimage resistance
    (거꾸로 넘어가기 힘들다. H(x)에서 M으로)
  • Collision Resistance
  • Avalanche Effect
    (1bit만 바꿔도 절반 이상 바뀐다)

Digital Signature

  • source authentication
  • uses private key to sign an electronic file


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