1. Introduction - Cryptology and its objects

Yona·2021년 9월 29일

🌙 CS_security

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👀 Overview

  1. Security Requirements
  2. Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
  3. Cryptographic Tools

🔖 words

  • temper with : to change in a way that it should not to cause damage or harm
    정보손해의 우려가 있는 방식으로 바뀜

👊 Cryptographic Objectives

exposure of dataConfidentiality- ability to keep information unavaliable and private to unathorized / cryptography is a tool to achieve confidentiality / not only content but also meta data(phonecall content <-> records) is important
tempering with dataIntergrity 무결성ascertain that imformation has not been subject to addition·deletion·modification·undue delay / e.g. SHA, MAC / intentional or accidental data changes should be detectable
ImpersonationAuthentication 인증ascertain the indentity of others / e.g. digital signiture
사기..?오리발?Non-Repudiationprevent an authorized party from denying the existence or contes of a communication session (일이 일어났다는 사실을 부정하는거 막음) / e.g. Digital signature+notarization(from third party)
exposure of personal informationPrivacy어디까지 오픈할건지 degree to which entity(user, device) is willing to share info about itself / vs Auth. non-repudiation / the right of entity acting in its own behalf / e.g. encryption
Identification of individualAnonymityBeing not identifiable within a set / diffrent with privacy (anonymity : action may be public, but actor's indentity remain privacy) / e.g. randomization, k-anonymity, I-diversity, TOR
Denial of serviceAvailabilityprevent an unauthorized entity from making resources unavaliable / resource(computing, networking..) / e.g. prevent DoS attack / Cryptography isn't enough to deal with Dos Attack -> also other techniques(backup, redundancy, redirection ,,,)
Forbidden accessAuthorization(Access control)verify proper privileges to access resorce (접근권한) / authentication(e.g. ID) -> authentication / relate : Access control (IEE 802.1X, firewall...)



  • study of secret writing
  • transform plaintext -> ciphertext by encryption (reverse : decryption)


  • study of breaking ciphers
  • determing ciphertext->plaintext
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn 🏃‍♀️

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