[AIM5056_41 ML with Graphs] Lec1 Graph Basics

Minhan Cho·2024년 9월 11일



  • Components: nodes & vertices N or VN\space or \space V
  • Interactions: links & edges L or EL\space or \space E
  • System: Network, Graph G=(N,L) or (V,E)G = (N,L)\space or \space (V, E)

netowkrs or graphs?

  • network: real systems (e.g. www, they rule)
  • graph: matehmatical representation of a network (e.g. web graph, social graph)
  • two are usually interchangable

insight를 찾아낼 만한 network를 구성해라

Degree, Average Degree & Degree Distribution

Node Degree

  • num of links connected to the node

    kB=4\rightarrow k_B=4
  • if directed graph, can be divided into in-degree & out-degree

    kCin=2\rightarrow k_C^{in}=2
    • Source: kin=0k^{in}=0
    • Sink: kout=0k^{out}=0

Average Degree

  • undirected graph: <k>=1Ni=1N<k> = \frac{1}{N}\sum^{N}_{i=1}, therefore <k>=2LN<k> = \frac{2L}{N}
  • directed graph: <kin>=1Ni=1Nkiin,<kout>=1Ni=1Nkiout,<kin>=<kout><k^{in}>=\frac{1}{N}\sum^N_{i=1}k_i^{in}, <k^{out}>=\frac{1}{N}\sum^{N}_{i=1}k_i^{out}, <k^{in}>=<k^{out}>, therefore <k>=LN<k> = \frac{L}{N}

Degree Distribution

  • P(k)P(k): probability that a randomly chosen node has degree kk
  • degree가 높은 node는 hubs라고 함
  • discrete, continuous 있긴 하지만 p(k)=1\sum p(k) = 1


Adjacency Matrix

  • 00's in adjacency matrix indicates sparsity & density

Complete Graph

  • max num of links a network of N nodes Lmax=N(N1)2L_{max} = \frac{N(N-1)}{2} & average degree <k>=N1<k> = N-1
  • 보통의 그래프는 위와 같지 않지만, 어쨌건 O(V)=O(N)O(|V|) = O(|N|)

other graphs

  • weighted graph: Aij=wijA_{ij}=w_{ij}
  • bipartite graph: nodes can be divided into two disjoint sets U,VU, V s.t. every link connects a node in UU to one in VV

Clustering Coefficient

  • local clustering coefficient: what fraction of your neighbors are connected? = Node ii with degree kik_i
  • global clustering coefficient: # of closed triplets divided by # of all triplets (open and closed)

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