Object Detection - 시각적 이해를 위한 머신러닝 6

zzwon1212·2024년 7월 19일


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15. Object Detection

  • Approaches
    • Two-stage model
      consists of a region proposal module and a recognition module
      • R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN
    • One-stage model
      removes the proposal generating module and predicts object positions directly
      • YOLO, SSD, DETR

15.1. Two-stage model

15.1.1. R-CNN

(참고: zzwon1212 - R-CNN)

  • Stage 1: Region proposals

    • extract ~2k region proposals using selective search.
  • Stage 2: Object recognition

    • extract feature map using CNN from each proposal.
    • classify the feature vector
    • regress the feature vector
  • Why R-CNN?

    • First modern deep learning based image detection
    • Significantly reduced computation from the brute-force method
    • Detection performs okay
  • Why NOT R-CNN?

    • Computationally expensive
      • region proposal
      • ~2k independent CNN forward passes for each proposal

15.1.2. Fast R-CNN

(참고: zzwon1212 - Fast R-CNN)

  • Stage 1: Region proposals

    • same as R-CNN
  • Stage 2: Object recognition

    • extract (shared) feature map using CNN from one entire image
    • apply RoI Pooling Layer
      • projects each proposal onto shared feature map to get own feature map
      • apply max-pooling to own feature map to get fixed-length feature vector
    • classify and regress the feature vector using fc layers

  • Why Fast R-CNN?

    • Better accuracy than R-CNN
    • 8~18x faster trainig time than R-CNN
    • 80~213x faster inference time than R-CNN
    • Much less memory space needed
  • Why NOT Fast R-CNN?

    • Still using an off-the-shelf region proposal, which is computationally expensive. This is the main bottleneck of Fast R-CNN.

### 15.1.3. Mask R-CNN

- RoIAlign
Instead of simply taking max over uniformly split RoI, use linear interpolation to better estimate feature values at each cell.

15.1.4. Faster R-CNN

  • Stage 1: Training RPN (Region Prposal Network)

    • For each position in the last shared conv feature map, suppose a set of candidate bounding box called anchor.
    • We will predict 2 scores (object or not) and 4 coordinates for each anchor.
    • apply n×nn \times n convolution on the conv feature map to get new feature map with 256 channels.
    • apply two separate 1×11 \times 1 convolution on the new feature map to get cls feature map with 2k channels and reg feature map with 4k channels.
    • Each position in cls feature map and reg feature map has scores and coordinates for kk anchors for that position.
  • Stage 2: Same as Fast R-CNN

    • Using the RPN trained in Stage 1, perform RoI pooling, classification, and regression.
  • Why Faster R-CNN?

15.2. One-stage model

15.2.1. YOLO

(참고: zzwon1212 - YOLO)

15.2.2. SSD

  • Main idea

    • Each cell in earier conv layer looks narrow range of the image. So it can detect small objects.
    • Each cell in later conv layer looks wider range of the image. So it can detect large objects.
  • Loss

  • Results

    • Accuracy: Fast R-CNN < Faster R-CNN < SSD
    • FPS: Faster R-CNN < SSD < YOLO

15.3. Transformer-based Approach

15.3.1. DETR (Detection Transformer)

  • Main idea

    • A set-based global loss that forces unique predictions via bipartite matching.
    • Removing the need for many hand-designed components like a NMS.
  • Architecture

    • A CNN backbone extracts spaital features: 7×7×5127 \times 7 \times 512
    • Fixed positional encoding for each location (sinusoidal)
    • For spatial features as input tokens, a Transformer encoder contextualizes them throughout the entire image.
    • Starting from object queries (learnable positional encodings), a Transformer decoder outputs embeddings corresponding to the objects to be detected in the image.
    • Through fully-connected layers, each object embedding is mapped to its class and bounding box coordinates.
  • Difference from the original Transformer

    • Outputs are produced in parallel, as opposed to autoregressive manner. This is because there is no obvious order between objects in the image.
    • Positional encoding is applied only to the queries and keys.
    • Positional encoding is added at every layer. (No proof but experimental evidence)
  • Training

    • Because there is no natural order among objects in the image, we actually do not know which box is for which object. How should we score a prediction when we compute loss?
    • DETR infers a fixed-size set of NN predictions, wher NN is significantly larger than typical number of objects in an image.
    • Suggested solution: an optimal bipartite matching between predicted and ground truth objects is performed, then object-specific bounding boxes are optimized independently.
  • Results

    • Encoder self-attention is able to separate individual instances.
    • Attention socres for every predicted object. Decoder typically attends to object extremities.
    • Limitations: underperforms on small objects (https://github.com/facebookresearch/detr/issues/216)

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