1. Install

1.1. Requirements / (my version)

  • _ / (AWS - Amazon Web Services)
  • _ / (Docker - nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:21.12-py3)
  • Linux / (Ubuntu 18.04)
  • Python 3.6+ / (3.8.12)
  • PyTorch 1.1 or higher / (1.11)
  • CUDA 10.0 or higher / (11.5)
  • CMake 3.13.2 or higher
  • APEX
  • spconv

모든 명령어는 기본적으로 Docker container에서 실행한다.

1.2. opencv/opencv-python#591 issue 해결

pip install "opencv-python-headless<4.3"

1.3. Basic Installation

cd /workspace/jiwon
git clone https://github.com/tianweiy/CenterPoint.git
cd CenterPoint
pip install -r requirements.txt

# add CenterPoint to PYTHONPATH by adding the following line to ~/.bashrc
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/workspace/jiwon/CenterPoint"

1.4. nuScenes dev-kit

git clone https://github.com/tianweiy/nuscenes-devkit

# add the following line to ~/.bashrc and reactivate bash
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/workspace/jiwon/CenterPoint/nuscenes-devkit/python-sdk"

1.5. CUDA Extensions

# set the cuda path
nvcc --version
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.5/bin:$PATH
export CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.5
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.5
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.5/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

# Rotated NMS 
cd det3d/ops/iou3d_nms
python setup.py build_ext --inplace

1.6. spconv

# in local, not in Docker container
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

# in Docker container
cd /workspace/jiwon/CenterPoint
git clone https://github.com/traveller59/spconv.git --recursive

### issue 1 ###

cd spconv
git checkout 7342772

### issue 2 ###
### issue 3 ###
### issue 4 ###

cd /workspace/jiwon/CenterPoint/spconv && python setup.py bdist_wheel
cd ./dist && pip install *
  • Solve issue 1 (safe.directory)

    git config --global --add safe.directory /home/ubuntu/jiwon/CenterPoint/spconv
  • Solve issue 2 (CMakeLists.txt)

    cd third_party && git clone https://github.com/pybind/pybind11.git
    cd pybind11 && git checkout 085a29436a8c472caaaf7157aa644b571079bcaa
  • Solve issue 3 (Half operands)
    /workspace/CenterPoint/spconv/setup.py에서 "-DCMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS"에 "-D__CUDA_NO_HALF_OPERATORS__"를 추가한다.

  • Solve issue 4 (torch::jit)
    /workspace/CenterPoint/spconv/src/spconv/all.cc에서 "torch::jit"을 "torch"로 수정한다.

2. Start

2.1. Data

2.1.1. nuScenes dataset

나는 AWS의 용량 한계로 전체 dataset이 아닌 mini-dataset을 이용해 model을 학습하였다.

2.1.2. Prepare data

Data creation should be under the gpu environment.

# Create a symlink to the dataset root
mkdir /workspace/jiwon/CenterPoint/data
cd /workspace/jiwon/CenterPoint/data
ln -s /workspace/DATA_ROOT
mv DATA_ROOT nuScenes

# Create data
cd /workspace/jiwon/CenterPoint
python tools/create_data.py nuscenes_data_prep --root_path=/workspace/DATA_ROOT --version="v1.0-trainval" --nsweeps=10

In the end, the data and info files should be organized as follows

2.2. Train

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 ./tools/train.py CONFIG_PATH
  • CONFIG_PATH: e.g. configs/nusc/pp/nusc_centerpoint_pp_02voxel_two_pfn_10sweep.py
  • model과 log는 work_dirs/CONFIG_NAME에 저장된다.

2.3. Test

2.3.1. Own model

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 ./tools/dist_test.py CONFIG_PATH --work_dir work_dirs/CONFIG_NAME --checkpoint work_dirs/CONFIG_NAME/latest.pth
  • CONFIG_NAME: e.g. nusc_centerpoint_pp_02voxel_two_pfn_10sweep

2.3.2. Pretrained model

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 ./tools/dist_test.py configs/nusc/voxelnet/nusc_centerpoint_voxelnet_0075voxel_fix_bn_z.py --work_dir work_dirs/nusc_centerpoint_voxelnet_0075voxel_fix_bn_z --checkpoint work_dirs/nusc_centerpoint_voxelnet_0075voxel_fix_bn_z/pretrained_epoch_20.pth
  • 위 링크에서 pretrained model을 다운로드하여 위 코드처럼 적용할 수 있다.

3. Result

3.1. Metrics

  • mean Average Precision (mAP): We use the well-known Average Precision metric, but define a match by considering the 2D center distance on the ground plane rather than intersection over union based affinities. Specifically, we match predictions with the ground truth objects that have the smallest center-distance up to a certain threshold. For a given match threshold we calculate average precision (AP) by integrating the recall vs precision curve for recalls and precisions > 0.1. We finally average over match thresholds of {0.5, 1, 2, 4} meters and compute the mean across classes.
  • True Positive metrics
    • Average Translation Error (ATE): Euclidean center distance in 2D in meters.
    • Average Scale Error (ASE): Calculated as 1IOU1 - IOU after aligning centers and orientation.
    • Average Orientation Error (AOE): Smallest yaw angle difference between prediction and ground-truth in radians. Orientation error is evaluated at 360 degree for all classes except barriers where it is only evaluated at 180 degrees. Orientation errors for cones are ignored.
    • Average Velocity Error (AVE): Absolute velocity error in m/s. Velocity error for barriers and cones are ignored.
    • Average Attribute Error (AAE): Calculated as 1acc1 - acc, where acc is the attribute classification accuracy. Attribute error for barriers and cones are ignored.
  • nuScenes detection score (NDS): We consolidate the above metrics by computing a weighted sum: mAP, mATE, mASE, mAOE, mAVE and mAAE. As a first step we convert the TP errors to TP scores as TP_score=max(1TP_error,0.0)TP\_score = max(1 - TP\_error, 0.0). We then assign a weight of 55 to mAP and 11 to each of the 55 TP scores and calculate the normalized sum.

3.2. Table (own model)

  • mean

    mAP (mean Average Precision)0.1269
    mATE (mean Average Translation Error)0.6030
    mASE (mean Average Scale Error)0.5002
    mAOE (mean Average Orientation Error)1.0882
    mAVE (mean Velocity Error)1.3837
    mAAE (mean Average Attribute Error)0.5397
    NDS (NuScenes Detection Score)0.1991
    Eval time5.1s
  • Per-class

  • distance threshold

    Object classNusc dist AP 0.5Nusc dist AP 1.0Nusc dist AP 2.0Nusc dist AP 4.0Mean AP

    distance threshold가 높을수록, 즉 분류 정답 기준이 낮을수록 (당연하게도) AP값이 높다.

3.3. Graph

(당연하게도) mini-dataset으로 학습한 내 모델보다 전체 dataset으로 학습한 pretrained model의 성능이 월등하다.

3.3.1. Own model

3.3.2. Pretrained model

3.4. Visualization

  • Images
    • n015-2018-10-08-15-36-50+0800__CAM_FRONT__1538984244862460.jpg
    • n015-2018-10-08-15-36-50+0800__CAM_FRONT_RIGHT__1538984244520339.jpg
    • n015-2018-10-08-15-36-50+0800__CAM_BACK_RIGHT__1538984244627893.jpg
    • n015-2018-10-08-15-36-50+0800__CAM_BACK__1538984244687525.jpg
    • n015-2018-10-08-15-36-50+0800__CAM_BACK_LEFT__1538984244797423.jpg
    • n015-2018-10-08-15-36-50+0800__CAM_FRONT_LEFT__1538984244854844.jpg

  • 녹색 박스가 ground truth, 파란색 박스가 prediction이다.
  • 왼쪽이 mini-dataset으로 학습한 내 model, 오른쪽이 전체 dataset으로 학습된 pretrained model의 결과이다. 내 model의 경우 위치는 어느 정도 예측했지만, 방향을 정확히 예측하지는 못했다. 반면 pretrained model은 위치와 방향 모두 잘 예측했다.

4. TODO List

  • TensorRT inference 엔진을 적용하여 inference 속도 확인
  • Hyperparameter 변경하며 학습 후 결과 비교(e.g. epochs)
  • SOTA 모델 적용
  • Waymo dataset 이용

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