[딥러닝] IM2COL & GEMM으로 Convolution 연산 구현

zzwon1212·2023년 12월 18일


목록 보기

1. Naive Convolution

  • Shape

    • A: [batch_size, in_channel, in_height, in_width]
    • W: [out_channel, kernel_channel, kernel_height, kernel_width]
    • B: [batch_size, out_channel, out_height, out_width]
      • out_height=in_height+padding×2kernel_heightstride+1out\_height = {in\_height + padding \times 2 - kernel\_height \over stride} + 1
      • out_width=in_width+padding×2kernel_widthstride+1out\_width = {in\_width + padding \times 2 - kernel\_width \over stride} + 1
  • Weight sharing between images in the same batch

  • MAC (Multiply Accumulation operation)

    • 아래에서 볼 수 있듯이 convolution 연산을 naive하게 구현하는 것은 비효율적이다.
    • MAC=(kernel_width×kernel_height×kernel_channel)×(out_channel×out_width×out_width)×batch_sizeMAC = (kernel\_width \times kernel\_height \times kernel\_channel) \times (out\_channel \times out\_width \times out\_width) \times batch\_size
    • 7 Loops
      # 7 Loops in convolution operation
      for b in batch:
        for oc in out_channel:
          for oh in out_height:
            for ow in out_width:
              for kc in kernel_channel:
                for kh in kernel_height:
                  for kw in kernel_width:
  • 구현

    def conv(self, A, W):
      B = np.zeros((self.batch, self.out_c, self.out_h, self.out_w))
      for b in range(self.batch):
        for oc in range(self.out_c):
          # each channel of output
          for oh in range(self.out_h):
            for ow in range(self.out_w):
              # each pixel of output shape
              a_j = oh * self.stride - self.padding
              for kh in range(self.k_h):
                if not self.check_range(a_j, self.in_h):
                  B[b, oc, oh, ow] += 0
                  a_i = ow * self.stride - self.padding
                  for kw in range(self.k_w):
                    if not self.check_range(a_i, self.in_w):
                      B[b, oc, oh, ow] += 0 # TODO 그냥 pass 하면 안 돼?
                      B[b, oc, oh, ow] += np.dot(A[b, :, a_j, a_i], W[oc, :, kh, kw])
                    a_i += self.stride
                a_j += self.stride
      return B


  • loop를 7번 도는 Naive Convolution의 비효율적인 연산을 효율적으로 해결

  • IM2COL

    • Transform n-dimensional data into 2D matrix data
    • more efficien operation
  • GEMM

    • General Matrix to Matrix Multiplication
  • 구현

    # IM2COL. change n-dim input to 2-dim matrix
    def im2col(self, A):
      mat = np.zeros((self.in_c * self.k_h * self.k_w, self.out_h * self.out_w), dtype=np.float32)
      mat_i = 0
      mat_j = 0
      for c in range(self.in_c):
        for kh in range(self.k_h):
          for kw in range(self.k_w):
            in_j = kh * self.dilation - self.padding
            for oh in range(self.out_h):
              if not self.check_range(in_j, self.in_h):
                for ow in range(self.out_w):
                  mat[mat_j, mat_i] = 0
                  mat_i += 1
                in_i = kw * self.dilation - self.padding
                for ow in range(self.out_w):
                  if not self.check_range(in_i, self.in_w):
                    mat[mat_j, mat_i] = 0
                    mat_i += 1
                    mat[mat_j, mat_i] = A[0, c, in_j, in_i]
                    mat_i += 1
                  in_i += self.stride
              in_j += self.stride
            mat_i = 0
            mat_j += 1
      return mat
    # GEMM. 2d matrix multiplication
    def gemm(self, A, W):
      a_mat = self.im2col(A)
      w_mat = W.reshape(W.shape[0], -1)
      b_mat = np.matmul(w_mat, a_mat)
      # print(a_mat)
      # print(a_mat.shape)
      b_mat = b_mat.reshape([self.batch, self.out_c, self.out_h, self.out_w])
      return b_mat

3. 연산 소요 시간 비교

IM2COL & GEMM2.72ms
  • Convolution 연산을 10번 반복하여 측정한 시간을 비교한 결과이다.
  • IM2COL & GEMM이 Naive보다 월등히 빠르지만, PyTorch보다는 약간 느리다.
  • PyTorch >> IM2COL & GEMM >>>>>>>>>> Naive

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