ML 1: Supervised vs Unsupervised ML

brandon·2023년 7월 13일


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What is Machine Learning?

  • Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.
    (Arthur Samuel, 1959)
  • Machine learning algorithms:
    • Supervised Learning
      • Supervised Learning is used most in real-world applications.
    • Unsupervised Learning
    • Recommender systems
    • Reinforcement learning

Supervised Learning

What is it?

  • X -> Y, input to output mappings.
  • Give examples to learn from.
  • Learns from being given "right answers"
  • Later only given X input and tries to predict outputs.
  • Example:
    • input -> output
    • email -> spam? = spam filtering,
    • ad, user info -> click? = online advertising.
    • image, radar info -> position of other cars = self-driving car
    • image of phone -> defect? = visual inspection (manufacture)
  • Types of supervised learning algorithms are regression and classification.

Regression Algorithm

  • predicting a number from infinitely many possible numbers.
  • Example: Housing price prediction
  • What is the price of 750 feet^2?
    • draw a straight line (regression) that fits the data and pinpoint for 750 feet^2 what the price would be.
    • or even better draw a curve.
  • The data set (right answers) are given, and the learning algorithm is asked to predict a house price.


  • Predict categories that can be non-numeric or numeric (cat or dog, benign or malignant, (0, 1, or 2)).
  • Only a limited number of outputs (category/class), as compared to infinitely many outputs from Regression.
  • Example: Breast cancer detection
    • Trying to devise a diagnostic tool for detecting malignant vs benign tumors.
    • Only a limited number of outputs: 0 for benign, 1 for malignant.
    • Can be drawn with 2 axes, or just one.
    • attempts to guess malignant vs benign with tumor size.
    • More than one input can be used for classification.
    • Attempts to draw the boundary line that separates malignant and benign and tries predicting the result.

Unsupervised Learning

  • Finding something intersting in unlabeled data. (All by yourself hehe)
  • Data only comes with inputs x, but not output labels y.
    • Algorithm has to find structure in the data.
  • In the same breast cancer example, the algorithm should be able to find that there are clusters in the data set.
  • This is a particular type of unsupervised learning called clustering algorithm.
    • Clustering - Google news: Grouping articles related with pandas & twins & zoo together.
    • The algorithm looks for the clusters by itself: in other words, the algorithm figures out that there are some articles with panda & twins & zoos together.
  • Anomaly detection algorithm:
    • find unusual data points.
  • Dimensionality reduction algorithm
    • compress data using fewer numbers.

Optional Lab: Brief python and Jupyter Notebooks

variable = "something"
print(f"f strings allow you to embed variables {varaible}")
everything happens for a reason

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