ClusterFormer: Neural Clustering Attention

장한솔·2022년 7월 1일

NLP Papers

목록 보기
  • 단어 유사도를 이용해서 sparse transformer 만들어낸 논문
  • Neural Clustering Method, Neural Clustering Attention Mechanism
    • 비슷한 단어들을 그룹핑, 어텐션도 그룹 기준으로 최대한 진행되도록 하였다.
  • 기계번역, 분류, NLI 같은 테스크에서 Reformer, Routing transformer 보다 좋은 성능을 내었다.

Computation 관련

Attention : Quadratic computation

Reformer, Routing transformer : O(N log N d), O(N√N d)

  • 2000단어 넘을 때에 (ClusterFormer, Routing transformer, Reformer)
    • Memory : 53.8%, 60.8%, 31.8%
    • Training time : 51.4%, 41.8%, 14.4%

Neural Clustering Method

  • X ∈ R(N×d), C ∈ R(k×d)
  • C is initialized randomly in the first layer.
  • subordinate (similarity) matrix U
  • W(C) ∈ R(dmodel×dmodel)
  • a similarity measure function
  • i and j represent the index value of the centroid and word.
  • I ∈ R(N) represents the cluster index of all the word hidden states
  • X(S) ∈ R(N×dmodel)

Clustering Loss

  • the mean of the negative similarity scores of word hidden states and their belonging centroids.(optimal clustering scheme)

Neural Clustering Attention Mechanism

  • Q(Oi) ∈ R(w×d), K(Oi) ∈ R(2w×d)
  • w = N/k
  • Z(Oi) ∈ R(w×d), Z(O) ∈ R(N×d)
  • the query can cover the words in the same cluster as much as possible.

Centroid Sorting Loss

  • the mean of the negative similarity scores of the adjacent centroid pairs.


Reformer, Routing Transformer 뛰어넘고, Transformer 비슷한 결과

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