[DS] Binary Search Tree

immanuelk1m·2023년 6월 8일


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Min / Max

tree minimum(tree node) 
  if (node->left == nullptr) return node;
  return minimum(node->left);
tree maximum(tree node) 
  if (node->right == nullptr) return node;
  return maximum(node->right);

pred( ) / succ( )

tree succ(tree node) 
	if (node != nullptr && node->right != nullptr)
		return minimum(node->right);
	return nullptr;
tree pred(tree node) 
	if (node != nullptr && node->left != nullptr)
		return maximum(node->left);
	return nullptr;


Case 1: No child

해당 노드를 nullptr 처리함

Case 2: One Child

해당 노드를 지우기 전에 Child를 해당 노드의 부모노드와 link 시킨 후 제거

Case 3: Two Child

predecessor(왼쪽의 Max) or successor(오른쪽의 Min) 중 height가 가장 높은 것을 골라 해당 값을 지우려는 노드에 덮어 씌우고 predecessor 혹은 successor를 제거

tree trim(tree node, int key) 
	if (empty(node)) return node;	 // base case
	if (key < node->key) // if node to trim is in left subtree.
		node->left = trim(node->left, key);
	else if (key > node->key) // node to trim is in right subtree.
		node->right = trim(node->right, key);
	// found the key: delete the node now 
	// node with two childeren: replace it with the successor or predecessor
	else if (node->left && node->right) 
		if(height(node->left) > height(node->right))
			node->key = pred(node)->key;
			node->left = trim(node->left, node->key);
			node->key = succ(node)->key;
			node->right = trim(node->right, node->key);
	else if (node->left || node->right)
		tree temp = node;

			node = node->left; 
			node = node->right;
		delete temp;
		node = nullptr;

	return node;

search operation

search operation takes time O(h), where h is the height of a BS


  1. BT의 모든 노드 값들을 sorted 배열로 읽어 온다 (using set)
  2. sorted array를 inorder traveling 하며 배열 값을 순서대로 대입한다.
void get_keys(tree root, set<int> &keys) 
	if (root == nullptr) return;
	get_keys(root->left, keys);
	get_keys(root->right, keys);
void put_keys(tree root, set<int>::iterator& it)
	if(root == nullptr) return;
	put_keys(root->left, it);
	root->key = *it;
	put_keys(root->right, it);

void BTtoBST(tree root) 
	set<int> keys;
	get_keys(root, keys);

	int setKeySize = keys.size();
	int treeKeySize =  size(root);

	assert(setKeySize == treeKeySize);

	set<int>::iterator it = keys.begin();
	put_keys(root, it);

LCA : Find the common Ancestor of P and Q

Recursive solution

Time Complexity: O(N)
Space Complexity : O(N) - 호출 스택에 계속 쌓아야 하므로

// recursive solution
tree LCA(tree root, tree p, tree q) 
	if (root == nullptr) return 0;

	if (p->key > root->key && q->key > root->key)
		return LCA(root->right,p,q); 
	else if (p->key < root->key && q->key < root->key)
		return root;

	return root;

Iteration solution

Time Complexity: O(N)
Space Complexity : O(1) - 주어진 공간에서 작동하기 때문

// iteration solution
int LCAiteration(tree root, tree p, tree q) {  
	DPRINT(cout << ">LCAiteration " << endl;);
	tree node = root;

	while (node != nullptr) 
		if (p->key > node->key && q->key > node->key)
			node = node->right; 
		else if (p->key < node->key && q->key < node->key)
			node = node->left;
			return node->key;
	return 0;
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