1970's - Cost of computers(required components) fell to the extent that individuals could afford.
Most influential in this transition was the advent of single-chip CPU's -> dramatically reducing manufacurting costs.
The Altair 8800 - build-it-yourself kit
BASIC to machine code interpreter for Altair 8800 was Microsoft's first product.
1975, Homebrew Computer Club, a group of computer ethusiasts.
Apple II - complete system, color graphics, sound output
TRS-80 Model I
Commodore Pet 2001
These three computers became known as 1977 trinity
IBM broke from in-house development and used products from outside to make computer. CPU from Intel, DOS from Microsoft, etc.
-> IBM ecosystem, "IBM Compatible" product
A "closed architecture" approach
By controlling the full stack from hardware to software, Apple was able to control the user experience and improve reliability.
Macintosh (1984) - graphical user interface
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