[CrashCourse CS] #25 The Personal Computer Revolution

Steve·2021년 6월 24일

1970's - Cost of computers(required components) fell to the extent that individuals could afford.

Most influential in this transition was the advent of single-chip CPU's -> dramatically reducing manufacurting costs.

  • chip storage, memory, display => Microcomputer => Personal Computer

The First Personal Computer

The Altair 8800 - build-it-yourself kit

  • add-ons available - (extra memory, a paper tape reader, teletype interface, etc)


  • Similar to compiler, but happens as the program runs. (compiler - before program runs)

BASIC to machine code interpreter for Altair 8800 was Microsoft's first product.

1975, Homebrew Computer Club, a group of computer ethusiasts.

  • Members include Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs

Game changing products 1977

  1. Apple II - complete system, color graphics, sound output

  2. TRS-80 Model I

  3. Commodore Pet 2001

These three computers became known as 1977 trinity


IBM broke from in-house development and used products from outside to make computer. CPU from Intel, DOS from Microsoft, etc.


  • Open architecture
  • Expansion sets

-> IBM ecosystem, "IBM Compatible" product


A "closed architecture" approach

By controlling the full stack from hardware to software, Apple was able to control the user experience and improve reliability.

Macintosh (1984) - graphical user interface


  • elusive - difficult to find, describe, remember, or achieve.
  • viable - 실행 가능한, 성공할 수 있는
  • contender - 도전자, 경쟁자
  • nifty - 실용적인, 쓰기 좋은 (handy)
  • tinker - make small changes
  • solder - 납땜하다
  • trinity - 삼위일체`
  • proprietary - 등록 상표가 있는
  • fold - When someone joins an organization or group, you can say that they have come into the fold. When they leave the organization or group, you can say that they leave the fold.
  • genesis - 기원, 발생
  • misnomer - 부적절한 명칭


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