3D objects have coordinates X, Y and Z.
3D projection - Process of flattening objects into 2D plane
Wireframe rendering - Connecting the dots
Orthographic projection - Parallel sides in the cube appear as parallel
Perspective projection - Parallel lines converge as they get futher from the viewer
Polygons - Triangles
Mesh - Collection of polygons
Game designers have to balance model fidelity vs polygon count for smooth framerate.
Scanline rendering
Fillrate - Rate at which computer fills polyons with pixels
Jaggies - Rough edges
Anti-aliasing - Instead of filling pixels in a polygon with the same color, we can adjust the color based on how much the polygon cuts through each pixel.
Occlusion - Objects hiding behind other algorithm
Painter's algorithm - A sort algorithm that arranges all the polygons from farthest to nearest, then render them in that order.
Z-buffering - keeps track of the closest distance to a polygon for every pixel in the scene by maintaining a Z-buffer.
Z-fighting - flickering effect
Back-face culling - Ignoring back-side of polygons to save processing time
Surface normal - direction of polygons
Flat shading - using surface normal to calculate shading
Gouraud shading, Phong shading - vary color across the surface
Texture mapping - Simplest texturing algorithm
GPU - Graphics Processing Unit, special processors just for graphics