Paper Review: Transformers are Multi-State RNNs

진성현·2024년 1월 16일


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Transformers are Multi-State RNNs


  • Decoder-only transformers can be conceptualized as infinite multi-state RNNs
    * Multi-state RNNs: an RNN variant with unlimited hidden state size

  • Pretrained transformers can be converted into finite multi-state RNNs by fixing the size of their hidden state
    -> several existing transformers cache compression techniques can be framed as such conversion policies

  • Novel and simple policy TOVA

  • TOVA outperforms all other baseline policies, is nearly on par with the full(infinite) model with 181\over8 cache size.

  • Transformer decoder LLMs often behave in practice as RNNs.



  • Decoders became a dominant transformer variant (LLaMA-2, Mistral..)
  • Generate output auto-regressively (gen of each token depends on the key and value computation of previous token)
  • Aligns with the core principle of RNNs—preserving a state from one step to the next one.

MSRNN(Multi-State RNNs)

  • formally redifine decoder-only transformers as as form of MSRNNs.
  • Generalized version of traditional RNNs.
  • transformers correspond to MSRNNs with an infinite number of states
  • transformers can be compressed into finite MSRNNs by limiting the number of tokens processed at each step


  • related to compression policies that effectively limit this capacity in pretrained transformer-based LLMs
  • TOVA is simpler and more powerful MSRNN compression policy
  • Selects tokens to keep based solely on tokens' attention score
  • TOVA outperforms all existing policies + minimal performance degradation

Trained as infinite MSRNNs, Perform as finite MSRNNs.

  • not all recent tokens are important to keep in memory
  • Importance of keeping the very first token in the sequence



  • Can be formulated as xtl+1,hlt=fRNNl(xtl,ht1l)x_{t}^{l+1},h_l^t = f^l_{RNN}(x_t^l,h^l_{t-1})
  • ll-> layer number, fRNNlf^l_{RNN} -> layer's model(cell)
  • hh -> hidden state


  • takes input as sequence of token representations: Xl=(x1l,...,xtl)Rt×dX^l = (x_1^l, ...,x^l_t)\in\mathbb{R}^{t\times d}
  • returns a transformed representation Xl+1=fTRANSl(Xl)=FFl(SelfAttnl(Xl))X^{l+1}=f^l_{\text{TRANS}}(X^l)=\text{FF}^l(\text{SelfAttn}^l(X^l))


  • Mask the upper triangular part of the attention matrix.
  • Common to cache the K, V matrices to avoid recomputing the previous tokens

Transformers as Multi-State RNNs

Multi-State RNN

  • RNN with a state matrix(HRg(t)×dH\in \mathbb{R}^{g(t)\times d}) instead of a vector(hh)
  • xtl+1,Hlt=fMSRNNl(xtl,Ht1l)x_{t}^{l+1},H_l^t = f^l_{MSRNN}(x_t^l,H ^l_{t-1})
  • Each row of HltH_l^t can be interpreted as a single-state.
  • If g(t)=1g(t)=1, the MSRNN is standard RNN

Transformers are infinite MSRNNs

  • Htl=(Ktl,Vtl)H_t^l=(K_t^l, V_t^l)

  • layer computation is

  • (Ktl,Vtl)=((Kt1lktl),(Vt1lvtl))(K_t^l, V_t^l)= \left(\left( \begin{matrix}K^l_{t-1}\\ k^l_t\end{matrix}\right ),\left(\begin{matrix}V^l_{t-1}\\ v^l_t\end{matrix} \right )\right )

  • xtl+1=FFl(Attnl(qtl,Ktl,Vtl))x_t^{l+1} = \text{FF}^l(\text{Attn}^l(q_t^l, K^l_t, V^l_t))

  • q, k, v are the self-attention projections of x, and each single-state of K, V corresponds to a specific token

  • MSRNN equation for transformers: xtl+1,(Ktl,Vtl)=fTRANSl(xtl,(Kt1l,Vt1l))x_t^{l+1}, (K^l_t, V^l_t)=f^l_{\text{TRANS}}(x^l_t, (K^l_{t-1}, V^l_{t-1}))

  • In practice, transformer models are trained up to a specific length and often struggle.

  • In theory, they possess the capacity to handle infinite-length inputs, and thus correspond to an infinite size MSRNN

Converting Pretrained Transformers into Finite MSRNNs

  • Do pretrained transformers actually make use of this infinite capacity?
  • Define a finite MSRNN by setting g(t)=min(t,k)g(t)=\text{min}(t, k) (k is constant)
  • Several compression policies are like this.


  • FIFO strategy
  • When multi-state reaches capacity limit, the oldest stage(the earliest token) is discarded

Window + ii

  • Extention of the Window policy which retains the first ii tokens
  • Strongly outperforms Window with as few as four early tokens


  • Dynamically selects the none window tokens by aggregating the attention scores throughout the sequence and keeping the tokens with highest aggregated scores.
  • Number of non-window tokens is typically set as half of the multi-state size.

TOVA (Token Omission Via Attention)

  • Retains the top states based on the attention weights of the last token only.
  • Consider attention scorers from the current query to all the tokens currently in the multi-state, plus the current token at each decoding step.
  • The token with the lowest score is dropped.
  • Makes fewer assumptions compared to the existing policies. (neither fixes a window of recent tokens, nor favors early tokens)
  • Weak recency bias (early tokens require high attention scores in all subsequent decoding steps to be kept in the multi-state)
  • However, substantial fraction of the recent tokens are dropped by TOVA => suggesting that fixed recent window is too strict


  • Input length: 4096 tokens

Language modeling

  • LLaMA-2, Mistral, Yi (~7B version)

Long range understanding

  • LLaMA-2-chat, Mistral-Instruct, neural-chat
    => Long range summarization
    => Long range QA

Text generation

  • MythoLogic(LLaMA-2-13B version fine-tuned for story generation)


  • Transformer decoder LLMs often behave empirically as finite MSRNNs.
  • It shares difficulties of retrieval of long range information with RNNs


Which Tokens Matter?

  • Analysis using LLaMA-2-7B, PG-19

Recency is not all you need

  • only 73~76% of the tokens are recent

First token matters

Not all tokens are equally kept

  • Punctuation and other special symbols tend to be kept
  • Possessive nouns(POS) and proper nouns(NNPS) tend to stay longer

Increased Batch size using TOVA

Undergraduate student at SNU

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