UniMSE review

진성현·2024년 3월 10일


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UniMSE: Towards Unified Multimodal Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Recognition (EMNLP 2022)


  • Multimodal sentiment analysis (MSA)
  • Emotion recognition in conversation (ERC)
  • Most existing works study sentiment and emotion seperately

=> Multimodal sentiment knowledge-sharing framework (UniMSE) that unifies MSA and ERC.

  • Modality fusion + contrastive learning between modalities

1. Introduction

  • Multimodal data => verbal(textual feature) + acoustic(prosody, rhythm, pitch) + visual (face)


  • MSA - Predict sentiment intensity or polarity (longer periods)
  • ERC - Predict predefined emotion categories (short periods)
    => sentiments and emotions are relevant, and could be projected into a unified embedding space.

UniMSE (Unified MSA and ERC)

  • MSA & ERC labels => Universal Labels (UL)
  • Pre-trained modality fusion layer (PMF)
  • Embed PMF to T5, fusing acoustic and visual information with different level textual features
  • Inter-modal contrastive learning (CL) => minimize intra-class variance and maximize inter-class variance across modailities.

Contribution (summarized)

  1. UniMSE that unifies MSA and ERC tasks
  2. Fuse multimodal representation from multi-level textual information
    ( Injecting A & V signals into the T5 model.)
  3. SOTA on public benchmark datasets (MOSI, MOSEI, MELD, IEMOCAP)
  4. First to solve MSA and ERC generatively + first to used unified A & V across MSA and ERC

2. Related Works

Multimodal Sentiment Analysis (MSA)

Emotion Recognition in Conversations (ERC)

Unified Framework

3. Method

3.1 Overall Architecture

Task formalization

  • Process MSA & ERC labels into universal label (UL) format (offline)

Pre-trained Modality Fusion

  • Unified feature extractors among datasets => Audio and Video features
  • 2 individual LSTM for long-term contextual information
  • T5 as encoder for texual modality.
  • Embed multimodal fusion layers into T5
  • Follows FFN in some layers in T5

Inter-modal contrastive learning

  • Differentiate the multimodal fusion representations among samples
  • Narrow the gap between modalities of the same sample and push the modality representations of different samples further apart.

3.2 Task Formalization

  • Multimodal signal Ii={Iit,Iia,Iiv}I_i = \{ I^t_i, I_i^a, I_i^v \} (Video fragment ii & {t,a,v}\{t, a, v\} denote text, acoustic, visual)
  • MSA -> predict sentiment strength yirRy_i^r \in \mathbb{R}
  • ERC -> predict emotion category of each utterence
  • Formalize with input formalization and label formalization step

3.2.1 Input formalization

  • Concatenate current utterance uiu_i with 2 former and 2 latter ones
  • Iit=[ui2,ui2,ui,ui+1,ui+2]I_i^t = [u_{i-2}, u_{i-2}, u_i, u_{i+1}, u_{i+2}]
  • Sit=[0,,0ui2,ui1,1,,1ui,0,,0ui+1,ui+2]S_i^t = [\underbrace{0, \cdots, 0}_{u_{i-2}, u_{i-1}},\underbrace{1, \cdots, 1}_{u_i},\underbrace{0, \cdots, 0}_{u_{i+1}, u_{i+2}}] - Segment ID
  • Raw acoustic input -> librosa => extract Mel-spectogram as audio features
  • Video -> extract T frames from each segment -> efficientNet(pretrained on VGGface and AFEW dataset) -> video features

3.2.2 Label Formalization

  • Universal label yi={yip,yir,yic}y_i=\{y_i^p, y_i^r, y_i^c\}
    - yipy_i^p: sentiment polarity (positive, negative, neutral)
    - yiry_i^r: sentiment intensity (real number in [-3, 3])
    - yicy_i^c: emotion category

Alignment of label space

  • Classify samples of MSA and ERC into positive, neutral, and negative sample according to their sentiment polarity
  • Calculate the similarity of 2 sampels with same sentiment polarity but belonging to different annotation scheme.
  • Similarity -> textual similarity with SimCSE(sentence embedding framework)
    - Since previous works demonstrated textual modality is more indicative than the other modalities.
  • Evaluate performance of generated labels => manual evaluation, accuracy about 90%.

3.3 Pre-trained Modality Fusion (PMF)

  • Embedding multimodal fusion layers into the pre-trained model.
  • Acoustic and visual signals used with multiple levels of textual information.
  • PMF unit in the Transformer layer of T5 receives a triplet Mi=(Xit,Xia,Xiv)M_i=(X_i^t, X_i^a, X_i^v) -> maps multimodal concatenation back to layer's input size.
  • Multimodal fusion for jj-th PMF
    Fi=[Fi(j1)Xia,laXiv,lv]F_i=[F_i^{(j-1)}\oplus X_i^{a, l_a} \oplus X_i^{v, l_v}]
    Fi(j)=W(FiuFi(j1))F_i^{(j)}=W(F_i^u \odot F_i^{(j-1)})
  • Xia,laX_i^{a, l_a}: hidden states of last time step of A-LSTM
  • Xiv,lvX_i^{v, l_v}: hidden states of last time step of V-LSTM

Solution regarding two shortcomings of fusion

  • Can disturb the encoding of text sequence
  • Cause overfitting as more parameters are set for the multimodall fusion layer
    => Solution: Use former jj Transformer layers to encode text and inject non-verbal signals to the remaining layers.

3.4 Inter-modality Contrastive Learning

Contrastive Learning (CL)

  • Gained advances in representation learning by viewing sample from multiple views.
  • Anchor <-pulls-> positive samples & Anchor <-pushed-> negative samples

Intermodality contrastive learning

  • Process each modal represantation to the same sequence length
  • X^iu=Conv1D(Xiu,ku), u{a,v}\hat{X}_i^u=\text{Conv1D}(X_i^u, k^u), \text{ }u\in\{a, v\}
  • F^i(j)=Conv1D(Fi(j),kf)\hat{F}_i^{(j)}=\text{Conv1D}(F_i^{(j)}, k^f)
    - Fi(j)F_i^{(j)}: obtained after jj Transformer layers
    - kk is convolutional kernel for modalities
  • Mini-batch with KK samples
  • Text modality as anchor, and other two modalities as its augmented version

Contrastive learning process

  • Each batch consists of two positive pairs and 2K2K negative pairs
  • Positive: Text + corresponding acoustic, Text + corresponding visual
  • Self-supervised Constrastive loss for each anchor sample:
  • Lta,j=logexp(F^i(j)X^ia)exp(F^i(j)X^ia)+k=1Kexp(F^i(j)X^ka)L^{ta, j}=-\log{{\exp(\hat{F}_i^{(j)}\hat{X}_i^a)}\over{{\exp(\hat{F}_i^{(j)}\hat{X}_i^a)} + \sum_{k=1}^K {{\exp(\hat{F}_i^{(j)}\hat{X}_k^a)}}}}, Ltv,j=logexp(F^i(j)X^iv)exp(F^i(j)X^iv)+k=1Kexp(F^i(j)X^kv)L^{tv, j}=-\log{{\exp(\hat{F}_i^{(j)}\hat{X}_i^v)}\over{{\exp(\hat{F}_i^{(j)}\hat{X}_i^v)} + \sum_{k=1}^K {{\exp(\hat{F}_i^{(j)}\hat{X}_k^v)}}}},

3.5 Grounding UL to MSA and ERC

Overall loss function:

  • L=Ltask+α(jLta,j)+β(jLtv,j)L=L^{task} + \alpha(\sum_jL^{ta, j})+\beta(\sum_jL^{tv, j})
  • LtaskL^{task}: generative task loss, α,β\alpha, \beta are weight values in [0, 1]

4. Experiments

4.1 Datasets

MOSI - Multimodal Opinion-level Sentiment Intensity dataset

  • 2199 utterance video segment, each maually annotated with a sentiment score in [-3, 3].

CMU-MOSEI - Multimodal Opinion Sentiment and Emotion Intensity

  • Upgraded version of MOSI, annotated with sentiment and emotion of 22,856 movie review clips from youtuve

MELD - Multimodal EmotionLines Dataset

  • 13,707 video clips of multi-party conversation in Friends.
  • Labeled with 6 emotions (joy, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust)

IEMOCAP - Interactive Emotional dyadic Motion CAPture database

  • 7532 samples of emotion (joy, sadness, angry, neutral, excited, frustrated)

4.2 Evaluation Metric

MOSI & MOSEI (sentiment)

  • MAE, Corr, ACC-7, ACC-2, F1


  • ACC, WF1

4.4 Experimental Settings

  • Pretrained T5-Base(220M params) as backbone
  • A100 and V100
  • Acoustic & Visual hidden dim: 64
  • T5 embedding dim: 768
  • Fusion dim: 768
  • Fusion layer: last 3 of 12 layers in T5
  • α=0.5\alpha=0.5, β=0.5\beta=0.5

4.5 Results

  • SOTA results in all MSA and ERC tasks

4.6 Ablation Study

  • Ablation study on MOSI dataset.

Removing modalities

  • Removing modalities leads to performance degradation
  • Acoustic is more important than visual

Removing PMF or CL

  • leads to increase in MAE

Removing datasets

  • Removed IEMOCAP, MELD, MOSEI and evaluate model performance on MOSI

4.7 Visualization

  • Visualize multimodal fusion representation of last Transformer layer to verify effects of UL and cross-task learning
  • T-SNE visualization with MOSI and MELD
  • Fig(a): positive/negative on MOSI and joy/sadness on MELD
  • Fig(b): Pseudo-label of joy/sadness on MOSI and joy/sadness on MELD

5. Conclusion

  • UniMSE, unified multimodal knowledge-sharing framework.
  • Provides new and different research setting & perspective to the MSA and ERC research communities


  • Context information only used on MELD and IEMOCAP (??)
  • Generation of universal labels only considers textual modality
Undergraduate student at SNU

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