Principles of Deep Learning

Dongchan Alex Kim·2023년 11월 6일


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Artificial Neural Networks

Computational models inspired by the human brain

  1. Artificial Neurons
  • Network 를 구성하는 단위
  • A connection point in an artificial neural network
  1. Typically taking the form of non-linear function

Neuron in the brain

  • Dendrites convey electrical signals from neuron to the cell body
  • Resultant electrical signals are sent along the axon to other neurons.

Artificial Neurons

주황색 부분이 neuron임

  • Inputs are translated into numerical values → by one-hot encoding
  • Inputs are summed and passed to an activation function
  • Value computed by the activation function is sent to other neurons.

Bias Units

  1. Always has a value of one(X_0 = 1)
    • 하나의 뉴런으로 입력된 모든 Input을 더한 값에 더해지는 상수
  1. Increase the flexibility of the model to fit the data
    • 최종으로 출력되는 값을 조절하는 역할 (함수를 좌우로 움직임)


weights are assigned to the input ~ connection strength

Activation Function
데이터를 비선형으로 바꾸기 위해서 사용한다.
→ 비선형 시스템은 은닉층의 수가 많아져 연산 횟수가 줄어든다.
아무리 layer을 계속 추가시킨다 한들, activation function은 결국 같은 linear한 성격만 갖게 된다. 즉, 아무리 Hidden layer을 추가한들, Multi-layer Perceptron또한 linear한 문제만 풀수 밖에 없다.
f(x) = ax + b, h(x) = cx → y(x) = h(h(h(x))) = cccx = c^3x 결과론적으로는 1차 함수이다. 이런식.

  • Logistic(sigmoid) units
    Artificial neurons that use the sigmoid (logistic) function as their activation function.

    보통 분류 문제에서 많이 쓰임.
    출력값이 0과 1 사이의 값일때 → 해당 class에 속할 확률로써 해석가능하다.
    그러나 이런 sigmoid 함수는 Gradient Vanishing 문제가 있는데, 이는 Sigmoid 함수의 미분 함수는 |x|가 커질 수록 0에 수렴하는 형태이다. 따라서 역전파가 진행될수록, 기울기 값이 0에 수렴하게 되고, 가중치가 갱신되지 않는 문제점이 발생한다.

  • Tanh Units
    artificial neurons that use the hyperbolic tangent function as their activation function

Summary: Hypotheses

  1. Linear regression(univariate) - 선형, Machine Learning
  2. Neural network(Logistic units) - Deep Learning

  3. Neural networks(tanh units) - Deep Learning

Functional Completeness and Universality

The support for the NOT and AND operator makes artificial neural networks functional complete

  • Can be used to express all possible truth tables.

NOT과 AND는 논리연산자로서, 인공 신공망은 어떤 논리적 판단도 표현하고 계산할 수 있게 된다. 인공 신경망은 이러한 논리 연산자를 이용해 입력 데이터 사이의 복잡한 관계를 학습하고, 판별할 수 있게 되는 것.

Universal approximation theorem

artificial neural networks can be used to approximate any continuous function with an arbitrary precision
한 개 이상의 은닉층을 가진 인공 신경망이 임의의 연속 함수를 임의의 정밀도로 근사할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다. 어떤 연속적인 함수를 가지고 있다고 할 때, 그 함수가 어떠한 복잡한 형태를 가지고 있더라도 적절히 훈련된 인공 신경망을 이용하면 그 함수를 정확하게 근사할 수 있다는 것이다
임의의 개수 neuron을 포함하고, activation function이 sigmoid이면서, 1 Hidden layer을 가진 artificial neural networks는 적절한 Weight만 주어진다면, 어떤 함수들 근사화 할 수 있다.

→ Matrix of weight between input layer and hidden layer
→ Matrix of weight between hidden layer and output layer

theyr are propagated through the computational graph

Automatic Computation of Weight

  • compute overall prediction error for all training examples
  • update weights so to minimize the overall prediction error

backpropagation: mathematical procedure to efficiently compute the many partial derivatives of the cost function.

Integration of artificial neural network

  1. Pick a network architecture (neuron connectivity pattern)
  • input layer 개수: dimension of input
  • output layer 개수: number of class
  • Hidden layer 개수: when using more than one hidden layer, then have the same number of hidden units in every layer
  1. Train the neural network
  • 뉴럴 네트워크를 training을 하여 hypothesis(trend line)을 만들기
  • construct a data set of labeled examples
  • perform random initialization of weights
  • execute forward propagation and gradient descent using backpropagation in an iterative manner.
  1. Validate the neural network
  • apply forward propagation to labeled examples not used during training, in order to check for overfitting.
    (Training에 쓰지 않는 labeled example을 Forward propagation시키기)
  1. Test the neural network
  • Apply forward propagation to unseen test examples.

Gradient Descent 종류

  • Batch Gradient Descent
    weights are updated after having seen the whole training set
    → 시간이 너무 걸림

  • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
    weights are updated after having seen a single training example
    → 비교적 빠름

  • Mini-batch Stochastic Gradient Descent
    weights are updated after having seen multiple training examples

  • Downpour Stochastic Gradient Descent
    large-scale distributed training (cluster)

Deep Learning

Automatic Feature Learning → Automatically learn features from labeled (raw) input data in hidden layer. Typically through the use of multi-layered artificial neural network.

  • Traditional (Shallow) machine learning
  • Deep machine learning

    Feature을 정해주는지(manually), 스스로 찾아주는지(automatically)에 따라 구분됨.
  1. Availability of cheap and massive computational power.
    → Law of Moore (GPU computing & cloud computing)
  1. Availability of large data sets
  • social media applications
  • sensor networks (Internet of Things)
  • next-generation sequencing (NGS)
  • single-cell analysis

New techniques

  • Dropout
    overfitting을 완화하기 위해 쓰임
    Neurons are randomly disabled during training, preventing the learning of features that are too complicated.

  • Rectified linear unit(ReLUs)

  • Exponential linear units(ELUs)

Conclustion and critical remarks

  • Deep learning is well suited for predictive analysis

    • state-of-the-art(최첨단) prediction performance.
    • end-to-end learning → feature extraction & hypothesis learning
  • Data intensive

    • rule of thumb: 8,000 to 10,000 labeled exmples per class
  • Design is an art

    • NO hard and fast ruls available on how to create and train effective neural networks.
  • Adversial examples

    • Malicious inputs can force networks to make wrong predictions.
  • Black-box predictive models

    • limited knowledge available about internal workings

    • makes debugging neural networks very challenging

      → difficult to understand why neural network can come to certain decisions

Disciplined, Be systemic

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