- Study/observe the relationship between categories of the preexisting data in order to evaluate/predict new data into proper categories.
- Different from Regressions in that:
- Regression -- uses Mean
- Classification -- uses Accuracy = TP + TN / P+N
- Uses the majority class(mode) as the baseline
target = 'Survived'
y_train = train[target]
y_train.value_counts(normalize = True)
#0 0.625749
#1 0.374251
#Name: Survived, dtype: float 64
major = y_train.mode()[0]
y_pred = [major] + len(y_train)
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
print('training accuracy', accuracy_score(y_train, y_pred))
#training accuracy : 0.625738
Logistic Regression
- Used when the Dependent Variable is a Nominal Variable
- Has a similar shape as the Linear Regression
- BUT is used when the dependent variable is binomial or a polynomial
Calculates the probability of whether the observed data belongs in a particular category/class.

- Transforms data by applying log to the odds
- Odd = The ratio of Success(1) to Failure(0)
- odds = 4, probability of success if 4x that to failure
- Objective: Makes understanding the logistic regression easier
- Observe the changes in logits by looking at how much Predictor X increases

Uses in Real Life:
- Credit Evaluation
- Cancer Diagnosis
- Fraud Detection
- Spam Mail Classification
Weaknesses of Logistic Regression
- Difficult to deal with ordinal regression
- Difficult to apply to non-linear problems
- Difficult to explain the exact relationship(?)