Review: Scene Parsing via Integrated Classification Model and Variance-Based Regularization ( incomplete )

Suho Park·2022년 12월 27일


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Scene parsing
Scene parsing is to segment and parse an image into different image region associated with semantic catgories.

  • Most of scene parsing models use DNN to deal with pixel-wised classification problem. However, this method has problem in distingushing the categories with similar appereance.
  • Therefore, this paper solved that problem from two aspects. 1: proprose an integreated classificiation model for scence parsing to distinguish confusing catgories/ 2: propose variance-based regularization to differentiate the scores of all categories as large as possible
  • methos is in three steps
    1. Encoding features from DNN model
    2. general classification
    3. refining the classifier for refining the scores. -> for differentiating similar categories variance based regularization is used to train the intregrated classification model
=> Problem of previous segmentation model



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