- An algorithm for training vector representation of a word from context words
- Assumption : words in similar context will have similar meanings
- The word vector, or the relationship between vector points in space, represents the relationship between the words
- The same relationship is represented as the same vectors

Recurrent Neural Network(RNN)
- How to caclulate the hidden state of RNNs
- ht=fW(ht−1,xt)
- ht−1 : old hidden-state vector
- xt : input vector at some time step
- ht : new hidden-state vector
- fW : RNN function with parameters W
- yt : output vector at time step t
- The same function and the same set of parameters are used at every time step

- Types of RNNs

- one to one : Standard Neural Networks
- one to many : Image Captioning
- many to one : Sentiment Classificiation
- many to many : Machine Translation, Video classification on frame level
- Vanishing / Exploding Gradient Problem in RNN
- Multiplying the same matrix at each time step during backpropagation causes gradeint vanishing or exploding (Whh)
- tanh의 미분 그래프는 x가 0일 때 1인 종모양 즉 x가 0이 아닌경우 1보다 작은 값이 계속 곱해짐
Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM)
- Core idea : pass cell state information straightly without any transformation
- Solving long-term dependency problem
- {Ct,ht}= LSTM(xt,Ct−1,ht−1)

Gated Recurrent Unit(GRU)

max_len = len(max(data, key=len))
print(f"Maximum sequence length: {max_len}")
valid_lens = []
for i, seq in enumerate(tqdm(data)):
if len(seq) < max_len:
data[i] = seq + [pad_id] * (max_len - len(seq))