[텍스트 마이닝] 8. Embedding(2)

황재성·2022년 5월 18일

텍스트 마이닝

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Word Embedding

  • pre-traiend word embeddings great for words that appear frequently in data
  • Unseen words are treated as UNKs and assigned zero or random vectors; everything unseen is assigned the same representation

Shared structure

  • Even in languages like English that are not agglutinative and aren't highly inflected, words share important structure
  • Even if we never see the word "unfriendly" in our data, we should be able to reason about it as: un + friend + ly

Subword Model

  • Rather than learning a single representation for each word type w, learn representation z for the set of ngrams that comprise it -> 분자단위 n-gram으로 쪼개서 학습시킴

How do we use word embeddings for document classification?



  • weighted sum 을 이용해서 word embeddings 을 사용할 때 사용하는 개념

  • 어떤 단어에 더 집중해야할 지에 따라 비중을 달리한다.

  • Define v to be a vector to be learned; think of it as an "important word" vector. The dot product here measures how
    similar each input vector is to that "important word" vector

  • Lots of variations on attention
    1) Linear transformation of x into before otting with v (선형변환)
    2) Non-linearities after each operation (비선형)
    3) "Multi-head attention" : multiple v vectors to capture different phenomena that can be attended to in the input
    4) Hierarchical attention (sentence representation with attention over words + document representation with attention over sentences (word 레벨에서 한 번보고 sentence 레벨에서 한 번 보고 ...)

  • Attention gives us a normalized weight for every token in a sequence that tell us how important that word was for the prediction -> 어떤 단어가 중요했는지 역으로 파악 가능
    - This can be useful for visualization


  • With an RNN, we can generate a representation of the sequences as seen through time t.
  • This encodes a representation of meaning specific to the local context a word is used in.
  • What about the future context?
    - RNN 을 이용해서 다음에 나올 단어를 예측해볼 수도 있다.

Bidirectional RNN

  • A powerful alternative is make predictions conditioning both on the past and the future.
  • Two RNNs
    1) One running left- to- right
    2) Oner right- to- left
  • The forwadr RNN and backward RNN each output a vector of size H at each time step, which we concatenate into a vector of size 2H.

Stacked RNN

  • Multiple RNNs, where the output of one layer becomes the input to the next.

Contextualized embeddings

  • Models for learning static embeddings learn a single representation for a word type -> 지금까지 한 거
  • 예 : word2vec, glove
  • 단어에 대한 문맥 (순서 X) , 단어자체만 임베딩으로 이용

    - 동물 bears, 과일 bears, 야구팀 마스코드 bears 가 모두 같은 벡터로 변환되는 것이 static embedding 이다.
  • Contextualized word representations
  • 예 : elmo, bert, gpt
  • 단어에 대한 문맥 (순서 O), 언어적 구조, 구조적 특징, domain의 특징 등 학습
    - Big idea : transform the representation of a token in a sentence to be sensitive to its local context in a sentence and trainable to be optimized for a specific NLP task

  • BERT는 모든 상관관계를 Attention 을 고려하여 학습
  • BERT는 Transformer-besed model 인데 빈칸채우기를 하기위해서 Bidirectional RNN 을 이용하기도 하고 문장을 쪼개서 이어지는 게 말이 맞는지를 확인하기도 한다.
데이터사이언스와 자연어처리를 공부하고 있습니다.

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