Machine Learning with Optimization

psy4072·2022년 11월 21일

Machine Learning and Optimization

  • Machine learning models optimize the function by minimizing the loss
  • The process of optimizaion for the machine learning function represents learning

Linear Regression

  • Basic machine learning and statistical analysis method which assumes the linear relationship between input and output
  • We estimate the optimal coefficients to minimize the loss function

  • Linear regression is one of the basic and fundamental machine learning methods

➡️ y = 2x

➡️ Learning is Optimization !!

Loss Function of Neural Networks

Iterative Algorithm-based Optimization

Gradient Descent

  • loss 최소 부분을 찾는 것이 머신러닝의 핵심

등고선 Contour

  • 3차원 -> 2차원

경사 하강법 심화

Learning Rate

  • Learning Rate 를 적절하게 책정해야 한다.
  • 너무 작아도 문제, 너무 커도 문제

Stochastic Gradient Descent

  • Consider minimizing an average of functions

Global vs Local Minimum


  • 관성의 법칙에 따라 이동

reference : K-MOOC 실습으로 배우는 머신러닝

Ⓓ🅰️🅣🄰 ♡♥︎

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