About Clustering (k-means, hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN)

송형석·2023년 9월 3일

Lab Seminar

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석사 졸업 후 그동안 석사과정 중 했던 프로젝트, 기업과제, 논문, 랩세미나, 개인 공부 등을 정리해야겠다 싶어 하나씩 정리하는 중이다.

그 첫번째 과정으로 랩 세미나에서 발표했던 자료를 다시 짚어보며 복습 겸 정리중에 있는데, 밤을 새며 조사하고 준비했던 추억.. 이 새록새록 돋아난다.

랩 세미나 포스팅 순서에도 나름의 이유가 있는데, 내가 연구한 분야는 라이다 캘리브레이션 및 라이다 포인트 클라우드 데이터를 활용한 딥러닝 기반 3D 물체 인식 분야이다. 그렇기에 머신러닝과 점군(포인트 클라우드) 데이터 특성을 이해하기에 기초가 되는 클러스터링 기법부터 조사 했었다. 이후 k-d tree와 다양한 3차원 물체 인식 딥러닝 모델에 대해 조사 및 스터디를 진행하였고 랩세미나에서 발표했었다.

지금 돌아보면 gif 파일도 찾아가며 제일 예쁘게 준비한 자료가 아니였나 싶다.. 개념이 쉬워서 좀 더 정성을 들일 여유가 있었는지도?

해당 포스트에서는 기본적인 클러스터링 기법인 k-means, 계층적 클러스터링, DBSCAN 기법에 대해 소개하며 각각의 디테일한 요소 또한 살펴볼 것이다.

(발표자료를 그대로 가져왔기에 영어 기반이다. 설명이 부족한 부분은 추가로 한국어로 밑에 기술하였다.)


  • Basically, clustering is an unsupervised learning method, so it learns without a label.
  • Clusters are classified based on similarity without knowledge of the samples.
  • To evaluate the similarity between clusters, various distance measurement functions are used, for example, Euclidean distance, Mahalanobis distance, Lance-Williams distance, Hamming distance, etc.


  • k-means clustering (K=4)

  • 위의 그림은 k-means 클러스터링이 진행되는 과정을 보여준다. 자세한 설명은 바로 뒤의 알고리즘 파트에서 설명하겠다.


  • Input

    • K (Number of clusters)

    • Training set


      주어진 데이터(Training set)을 K분할로 나누기 위한 입력 값

  • Randomly initialize K cluster centroids

    μ1,μ2,,μkRn\mu_1,\mu_2,\cdots,\mu_k \in \mathbb{R}^n
  • Cluster indexing

    for  i=1  to  mc(i)=index(from  1  to  k)  of  cluster  centroid  closet  to  x(i)for\;i= 1\;to\;m \\c^{(i)}=index(from\;1\;to\;k)\;of\;cluster\;centroid\;closet\;to\;x^{(i)}
  • Centroid update

for  k=1  to  kμk=average(mean)  of  points  assigned  to  cluster  kfor\;k= 1\;to\;k \\\mu_k=average(mean)\;of\;points\;assigned\;to\;cluster\;k

Optimization objective

  • optimization objective
J(c(1),,c(m),μ1,,μk)=1mi=1mx(i)μc(i)2minc(1),,c(m)/μ1,,μK  J(c(1),,c(m),μ1,,μk)J(c^{(1)},\cdots,c^{(m)},\mu_1,\cdots,\mu_k)=\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i = 1}^{m}{\Vert x^{(i)}-\mu_{c^{(i)}}}\Vert^2 \\ \min_{c^{(1)},\dots,c^{(m)}/\mu_1,\dots,\mu_K}\;J(c^{(1)},\cdots,c^{(m)},\mu_1,\cdots,\mu_k)

Objective based clustering

  • k-means: Euclidean distance
  • k-median: Absolute distance
  • k-center: minimize the maximum radius

Initialization method

  • Random partition

    • The random partitioning algorithm is the most used initialization technique, and after allocating each data to a random cluster, the average value of the points allocated to each cluster is set as the initial center point.
    • In the case of the random partitioning technique, it is independent of the data order.
  • Forgy

    • Forgy select random k data from the data set and set data as the initial centroid of each cluster.
    • In the case of the Forgy, it is independent of the data order.
  • k-means++

    • Rather than generating k centroids at once, it means that k clusters are created by repeating each centroid a total of k times in the direction of locating the distance between the centroids as far as possible.


  • Cluster number K

    • Less K

  • Bigger K

  • Solution

    • Find optimal K
  • Local minimum

    • Initial point

  • Final result

  • Solution

    • K-means ++
  • Sensitive to outliers.

    • Noisy data

  • Solution

    • Filtering
  • Non-spherical data

    • Non-spherical data

  • Solution

    • DBSCAN

Cluster number - K decision

  • Rule of thumb
Kn2(while  data  number  is  n)K\approx \sqrt{\frac{n}{2}} (while\;data\;number\;is\;n)
  • Elbow method

    • Monitor the results while increasing the number of clusters sequentially.

    • If adding one cluster does not give a much better result than before, set the number of clusters to the number of clusters you want to find.

    • 군집내 군집과 개체간 거리 제곱합의 총합 - tot.withinss: Total within-cluster sum of squares


  • Silhouette Method [3]

  • Can be used to evaluate the validity of clustering results and to select an appropriate number of clusters .

  • Parameters

    a(i)=average  dissimilarity  of  i  to  all  other  objects  of  A  (distance)d(i,C)=average  dissimilarity  of  i  to  all  objects  of  C  (distance)b(i)=minCAd(i,C)a(i) = average\;dissimilarity\;of\;i\;to\;all\;other\;\\ objects\;of\;A\;(distance) \\d(i, C) = average\;dissimilarity\;of\;i\;to\;all\;\\objects\;of\;C\;(distance) \\b(i) =\min_{C\neq A} d(i,C)

  • 비적합도 -> d(i,C) - 모든 클러스터에 대해서 계산

  • The relative quality of the clusters

  • If the silhouette value is close to 1, it means that the distance between objects in the same cluster is closer than that of other clusters, so it means that object i is well clustered

    • S(i) -> 적합도

    • a(i),b(i) 비적합도

    • If many objects have low or negative silhouette values, it can be determined that the cluster composition is too large or has too few clusters.


  • Select first centroid from data as random
  • Subsequent centroids adjust the sampling probability distribution so that points with a large distance from the previously selected centroid are selected with high probability. Pick a point based on this distribution.
μtd(μt1,μt)d(μt1,μt)\mu_t \rightarrow\frac{d(\mu_{t-1},\mu_t)}{\sum d(\mu_{t-1},\mu_t)}
  • Repeat previous step as K-1


Hierarchical clustering

  • Start clustering from a small unit and proceed with clustering in a bottom-up method that repeats until all data is bundled.


  • Single link
    dist(A,B)=minxA,xBd(x,x)dist(A,B)= \min_{x\in A,x^{'}\in B}d(x,x^{'})
  • Complete link
    dist(A,B)=maxxA,xBd(x,x)dist(A,B)= \max_{x\in A,x^{'}\in B}d(x,x^{'})
  • Average link
    dist(A,B)=averagexA,xBd(x,x)dist(A,B)= average_{x\in A,x^{'}\in B}d(x,x^{'})
  • Centroid link
    dist(A,B)=d(μA,μB)dist(A,B)= d(\mu_A,\mu_B)
  • Ward's method
    dist(A,B)=ABA+Bmean(A)mean(B)2dist(A,B)= \frac{\vert A\vert \vert B\vert}{\vert A\vert +\vert B\vert}\Vert mean(A)-mean(B)\Vert^2


  • DIANA method


  • Compared to the previous clustering, it is a technique that includes the concept of density.


  • Input

    • radius
    • minPts
  • Select random points

    xiRnx^{i} \in \mathbb{R}^n
  • Point decision

if(num  of  Pts  inside  of  ϵminPts)=Core  pointelse  if(num  of  Pts  inside  of  ϵ<minPts)=Outlierelse  if(Core  pointPts  inside  of  ϵ)=Border  pointif(num\;of\;Pts\; inside\; of\;\epsilon\geqq minPts)=Core\;point \\else\;if(num\;of\;Pts\; inside\; of\;\epsilon< minPts)= Outlier \\else\;if(Core\;point\in Pts\; inside\; of\;\epsilon)=Border\;point
  • Repeat previous step for neighbor data

Initialization method

  • There is no such thing as a formula or objective statistic to obtain the theoretically proven DBSCAN input parameters MinPts and Eps. There are only subjective heuristic methods that can help you determine MinPts and Eps.

  • MinPts

    • In DBSCAN's original paper (ref [1]), recommended to set MinPts = 4 for 2D data. (Because of computation load)
    • There is also a paper (ref [2]) that recommends MinPts = 2 * dim for datasets with more variables than two dimensions.
    • Heuristic way to determines MinPts = ln(n) (where n as number os points in database)
  • Eps

  • Find the distance k-dist from one point to the k nearest points, that is, k_NN (k-Nearest Neighbor).
  • Sort the k-dist in descending order, and draw the k-dist on the Y-axis by the sorted points on the X-axis.
  • Using the Elbow method, the k-dist of the first "valley" point is determined as Eps.


  • DBSCAN performs many calculations and slower than k-means
  • It is greatly influenced by the radius and threshold settings.
  • 'Curse Of dimensionality', which is a common disadvantage of all data models using Euclidean squared distance is existence.
    • It is a problem that the amount of required training data increases rapidly as the higher-dimensional dataset goes, and this has the disadvantage of requiring a lot of calculations.
  • DBSCAN is not entirely deterministic. That's because the algorithm starts with a random point. Therefore border points that are reachable from more than one cluster can be part of either cluster.


  • k-means

  • Hierarchical clustering


  • for more -> LiDAR(PCL)에 대한 사례 // MATLAB 예제 -- 예시 응용하는 위주로 // plane fitting의 경우 RANSAC, plane clustering


* [1] Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jorg Sander, Xiaowei Xu, 1996, "A Density-Based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise", KDD-96

* [2] Erich Schubert, Jorg Sander, Martin Ester, Hans Peter Kriegel, Xiaowei Xu, 2017, "DBSCAN Revisited: Why and How You Should (Still) Use DBSCAN

* [3] Peter J. Rousseeuw, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 20 (1987), "Silhouettes: a Graphical Aid to the Interpretation and Validation of Cluster Analysis"

* [4] Arthur, D. and Vassilvitskii, S. (2007). k-means++: the advantages of careful seeding〉 (PDF). 《Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms》. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Philadelphia, PA, USA. 1027–1035쪽.


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