Cluster-Former: Clustering-based Sparse Transformer for Question Answering Review

SUNGYOON LEE·2022년 9월 6일


  • The background of this paper
    • Transformer stands out on Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning.
    • It has Self-Attention mechanism, which allows fully-connected contextual encoding over all input tokens.
    • But basic Transformer that is fully-connected, so needs too much computing powers has weakness.
    • So It only takes fixed-length input which is relatively short.
  • Background model architecture
    • Each Method Limitations
      • Sliding window
        - (a) is the sliding-window-based method to chunk a long sequence into short ones with window size 3 and stride 2.
      • Sparse Attention
        - (b) builds cross-sequence attention based on sliding window over pre-selected positions (red-dotted boxes).
        • Limitation of Sliding window and Sparse Attention
          - cannot encode long-range dependencies with as much flexibility or accuracy as fully-connected self-attention, due to their dependency on hand-designed patterns
      • Locality-Sensitive Hashing
        - (c) hashes the hidden states into different buckets by randomly-initialized vectors.
        • Limitation of Locality-Sensitive Hashing
          - Locality-Sensitive Hashing method is still an unexplored territory in the context of long sequences.

Model Architecture Summary

  • Model Summary Picture

    • combine Sliding Window method and Locality-Sensitive Hashing method
  • Model Key Component

    • Role of Sliding-Window Layer
      • encoding input tokens for local context
    • Role of Clustering Layer
      • encoding input tokens for global context

Model Architecture Detail

  • Model Architecture Picture
  • Order of Cluster Former Model
  1. Chunk a long sequence into short ones with window size l and stride m (noted in this paper).
  2. Concatenate question Q with each sequence chuncked from the document.
  3. Pass Transformer Encoder to encode each sequence.
  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for N times. (N is number of Transformer Encoder)
  5. If the next layer is Cluster-Former Layer, layer n+1 will be saved into memory bank for the cluster centroids.
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