BSP-Net: Generating Compact Meshes via Binary Space Partitioning

YEOM JINSEOPΒ·2023λ…„ 9μ›” 10일

ML For 3D Data

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πŸš€ Motivations

  • Polygonal meshes are ubiquious in the digital 3D domain,
    yet a minor role in deep learning revolution.

  • Leading methods for learning genrative models of shapes
    rely on implicit functions,
    and generate meshes only after
    expensive iso-surfacing routines.

  • βœ… To overcome these challenges,
    paper is inspired by a classical spatial data structure from computer graphics,
    Binary Space Paritioning(BSP),
    to facilitate 3D learning.

  • Core ingredient of BSP
    is an operation for
    recursive subdivision of space
    to obtain convex sets.

  • By expoliting this property,
    paper devised BSP-Net, a network that
    learns to represent a 3D shape
    vic convex decomposition.

  • Convexes inferred by BSP-Net
    can be easilty extracted to form a polygon mesh,
    without any need for iso-surfacing.

  • βœ… In this paper, a genearative neural network is develooped
    which outputs polygonal meshes.
    Paeameters or weights learned by the network
    can perdict multiple planes
    which fit the surfaces of 3D shape,
    resulting in a compact and watertight polygonal mesh.

πŸ”‘ Key Contributions

  • BSP-Net is the fist deep generative network
    which directly outputs compact and watertight polygonal meshes
    with arbitrary topology and structure variety.

  • The learned BSP-tree allows us
    to infer both shape segmentation and part correspondence.

  • By adjusting the encode of paper's network,
    BSP-Net can be adapted for shape auto-encoding
    and single-view 3D reconstruction(SVR).

  • BSP-NET is the first to achieve structured SVR,
    reconstructing a segmented 3D shpae
    from a single unstructured object image.

⭐ Methods

  • BSP-Net learns an implicit field:
    input: n point coordinates & shape feature vector
    output: value indicating inside or outside the shape

  • construction of implicit function is illustrated in Fig 2,
    and consists of 3 steps.

  • 1) a collection of plane equations implies
    a collection of p binary partitions of space

  • 2) Operator T(pxc) groups these partitions
    to create ca coolection of c convex shape parts

  • 3) Finally, the part collection is merged
    to produce the implicit field of the output shape.

  • BSP-Net architecture,
    corresponding to 3 steps.

  • Layer 1) Hyperplane extraction
    L0: Input: Feature code,
    MLP produces a matrix P(px4) of canonical parameters (plane parameters)
    that define the implicit equations of p planes
    : ax + by + cz + d = 0
    L1: For any point x = (x, y, z, 1),
    the product D = xP^T is a vector of signed distances to each plane
    (the ith distance is - if x is inside, + if outdise, the ith plane,
    w.r.t plane noraml)

  • Layer 2) Hyperplane grouping
    L2: To group hyperplanes into geometric primitives,
    paper employs a binary matrix T(px).
    Via max-pooling, aggregate input planes
    to form a set of c convex primitives

  • Layer 3) Shape assembly
    L3: Finally, assembles the parts into a shape
    via either sum or min-pooling.

  • At inference time,
    feed the input to the network
    to obtain components of the BSP-tree,
    i.e, leaf node (planes P) & connections (binary weights T)
    ➑️ Then apply classic CSG(Constructive Solid Geometry)
    to extract the explicit polygonal surfaces of the shapes.

Two-stage training

Stage 1: Continuous phase

  • try to keep all weights continuous
    and compute an approximate solution vix S+(x)
    ➑️ Would generate an approximate results (Fig4.b)

  • Initialize T & W
    with random zero-mean Gaussian noise having Οƒ = 0.02

  • Optimize the network via:

  • Given query points x,
    network is trained to match S(x)
    to the GT indicator fuction, denoted by F(x|G),
    in a least-sqaures sense.
    (w~G: sampling specific to the training shape G)

  • Continuous relaxation of a graph adjacency matrix T,
    where its values are required
    to be bounded in the [0, 1] range:

  • Wolud like to W to be close 1
    so that the merge operation is a sum:

Stage2: Discreate phase

  • quantize the weights
    and use a perfect union
    to generage accurate results by fine-tuning on S*(x)
    ➑️ Would create a much finer reconstruction (Fig4.c,d)

  • Quantize T
    by picking threshold Ξ» = 0.01
    and assign t = (t>Ξ»)?1:0

  • Experimentally paper found the values
    learnt for T to be small,
    which led to choice of a small threshold value.

  • With the quantized T,
    fine-tune the network by:

  • This loss function pulls
    S(x) towards 0 if x should be inside the shape;
    it pushes S
    (x) beond 1 other wise.

  • Optionally, discouraging overlaps between convexes are possible .
    First compute a mask M
    such that M(x, j) = 1 if x is in convex j
    and x in contained in more than one convex, then evaluate:

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ”¬ Experimental Results

Auto-encoding 2D shapes

  • To illustrate how BSP-Net works,
    paper created a synthetic 2D dataset.
    (diamond, a cross are placed with varying sizes over 64 x 64 images, Fig4.a)

  • After training Stage 1,
    network has achieved a good approximage S+ reconstruction,
    however, by inspecting S*,
    the output of inference have several imperfections

  • After the fine-tuning in Stage 2,
    network achieves near perfect reconstructions.

  • Finally, the use of overlap losses
    significantly improves the compactness of representation,
    reducing the number of convexes per part (Fig4.d)

Auto-encoding 3D shapes

  • Dataset: ShapeNet (Part) Dataset

  • Comparison networks:
    Volumetric Primitives(VP), Super Quadrices(SP), Branched Auto Encoders(BAE)



Single view reconstruction (SVR)

  • Dataset: ShapeNet

  • Comparison method:
    AtlasNet, IM-NET, OccNet

πŸ€” Limitation

  • BSP-Net can only decompose a shape as a union of convexes.
    Concave shapes, e.g., a teacup or ring,
    have to be decomposed into many small convex pieces,
    which is unnatural and leads to wasing of a considerable amount of representation budget.

  • Training times for BSP0Net are quite significant:
    6 days for 4,096 planes and 256 convexes for the SVR task trained across all categories.

βœ… Conclusion

  • Paper introudces BSP-Net,
    an unsupervised method
    which can generate compact and structured polygonal meshes
    in the form of convex decomposition.

  • Network learns a BSP-tree built on the same set of planes,
    in turn, the same set of convexes,
    to minimize a reconstruction loss for the training shapes.

  • These planes and convexes are defined by weights learned by the network

  • Compared to SOTA methods,
    meshes generated by BSP-Net exhibit superior visual qualtiy,
    in particular, sharp geometric details,
    when comparable number of primitives are employed.

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