Polygonal meshes are ubiquious in the digital 3D domain,
yet a minor role in deep learning revolution.
Leading methods for learning genrative models of shapes
rely on implicit functions,
and generate meshes only after
expensive iso-surfacing routines.
To overcome these challenges,
paper is inspired by a classical spatial data structure from computer graphics,
Binary Space Paritioning(BSP),
to facilitate 3D learning.
Core ingredient of BSP
is an operation for
recursive subdivision of space
to obtain convex sets.
By expoliting this property,
paper devised BSP-Net, a network that
learns to represent a 3D shape
vic convex decomposition.
Convexes inferred by BSP-Net
can be easilty extracted to form a polygon mesh,
without any need for iso-surfacing.
In this paper, a genearative neural network is develooped
which outputs polygonal meshes.
Paeameters or weights learned by the network
can perdict multiple planes
which fit the surfaces of 3D shape,
resulting in a compact and watertight polygonal mesh.
BSP-Net is the fist deep generative network
which directly outputs compact and watertight polygonal meshes
with arbitrary topology and structure variety.
The learned BSP-tree allows us
to infer both shape segmentation and part correspondence.
By adjusting the encode of paper's network,
BSP-Net can be adapted for shape auto-encoding
and single-view 3D reconstruction(SVR).
BSP-NET is the first to achieve structured SVR,
reconstructing a segmented 3D shpae
from a single unstructured object image.
BSP-Net learns an implicit field:
input: n point coordinates & shape feature vector
output: value indicating inside or outside the shape
construction of implicit function is illustrated in Fig 2,
and consists of 3 steps.
1) a collection of plane equations implies
a collection of p binary partitions of space
2) Operator T(pxc) groups these partitions
to create ca coolection of c convex shape parts
3) Finally, the part collection is merged
to produce the implicit field of the output shape.
BSP-Net architecture,
corresponding to 3 steps.
Layer 1) Hyperplane extraction
L0: Input: Feature code,
MLP produces a matrix P(px4) of canonical parameters (plane parameters)
that define the implicit equations of p planes
: ax + by + cz + d = 0
L1: For any point x = (x, y, z, 1),
the product D = xP^T is a vector of signed distances to each plane
(the ith distance is - if x is inside, + if outdise, the ith plane,
w.r.t plane noraml)
Layer 2) Hyperplane grouping
L2: To group hyperplanes into geometric primitives,
paper employs a binary matrix T(px).
Via max-pooling, aggregate input planes
to form a set of c convex primitives
Layer 3) Shape assembly
L3: Finally, assembles the parts into a shape
via either sum or min-pooling.
try to keep all weights continuous
and compute an approximate solution vix S+(x)
β‘οΈ Would generate an approximate results (Fig4.b)
Initialize T & W
with random zero-mean Gaussian noise having Ο = 0.02
Optimize the network via:
Given query points x,
network is trained to match S(x)
to the GT indicator fuction, denoted by F(x|G),
in a least-sqaures sense.
(w~G: sampling specific to the training shape G)
Continuous relaxation of a graph adjacency matrix T,
where its values are required
to be bounded in the [0, 1] range:
Wolud like to W to be close 1
so that the merge operation is a sum:
quantize the weights
and use a perfect union
to generage accurate results by fine-tuning on S*(x)
β‘οΈ Would create a much finer reconstruction (Fig4.c,d)
Quantize T
by picking threshold Ξ» = 0.01
and assign t = (t>Ξ»)?1:0
Experimentally paper found the values
learnt for T to be small,
which led to choice of a small threshold value.
With the quantized T,
fine-tune the network by:
This loss function pulls
S(x) towards 0 if x should be inside the shape;
it pushes S(x) beond 1 other wise.
Optionally, discouraging overlaps between convexes are possible .
First compute a mask M
such that M(x, j) = 1 if x is in convex j
and x in contained in more than one convex, then evaluate:
To illustrate how BSP-Net works,
paper created a synthetic 2D dataset.
(diamond, a cross are placed with varying sizes over 64 x 64 images, Fig4.a)
After training Stage 1,
network has achieved a good approximage S+ reconstruction,
however, by inspecting S*,
the output of inference have several imperfections
After the fine-tuning in Stage 2,
network achieves near perfect reconstructions.
Finally, the use of overlap losses
significantly improves the compactness of representation,
reducing the number of convexes per part (Fig4.d)
Dataset: ShapeNet (Part) Dataset
Comparison networks:
Volumetric Primitives(VP), Super Quadrices(SP), Branched Auto Encoders(BAE)
Dataset: ShapeNet
Comparison method:
AtlasNet, IM-NET, OccNet
BSP-Net can only decompose a shape as a union of convexes.
Concave shapes, e.g., a teacup or ring,
have to be decomposed into many small convex pieces,
which is unnatural and leads to wasing of a considerable amount of representation budget.
Training times for BSP0Net are quite significant:
6 days for 4,096 planes and 256 convexes for the SVR task trained across all categories.
Paper introudces BSP-Net,
an unsupervised method
which can generate compact and structured polygonal meshes
in the form of convex decomposition.
Network learns a BSP-tree built on the same set of planes,
in turn, the same set of convexes,
to minimize a reconstruction loss for the training shapes.
These planes and convexes are defined by weights learned by the network
Compared to SOTA methods,
meshes generated by BSP-Net exhibit superior visual qualtiy,
in particular, sharp geometric details,
when comparable number of primitives are employed.