Deep Functional Dictionaries: Learning Consistent Semantic Structures on 3D Models from Functions

YEOM JINSEOPΒ·2023λ…„ 8μ›” 25일

ML For 3D Data

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πŸš€ Motivations

  • 3D semantic attributes
    (such as segmentation masks, geometric features, keypoints, and materials)
    can be encoded as per-point probe functions
    on 3D geometries.
    βœ… probe functions: per-point functions defined on the shape surface

  • Given a collection of related 3D shapes,
    this paper considers
    "how to jointly analyze such probe functions over different shapes", and
    "how to discover common latent structures using a neural network"
    even absence of any correspondence information

πŸ›©οΈ Approach

  • Instead of a two-stage procedure
    to first build independent functional spaces
    and then relate them through correspondences(functional or traditional),
    This paper proposes a correspondence free framework
    that directly learns consistent bases across a shape collection
    that reflect the shared structure of the set of probe functions.

  • Paper produces a compact encoding
    for meaningful functions over a collection of related 3D shapes
    by learning a small functional basis for each shape
    using neural netwroks.

  • Set of functional bases of each shape,
    a.k.a a shape-dependent dictionary,
    is computed as a set of functions on a point cloud
    representing the underlying geometry
    (a functional set whose span will include probe functions on that space.)

  • Training is accomplished in a very simple manner
    by giving the network sequences of pairs
    consisting of a shape geometry(as point clouds)
    and a semantic probe function on that geometry
    (that should be in the associated basis span).

  • The NN will maximize its representational capacity
    by learning consistent bases
    that reflect this shared functional structure,
    leading in turn to consistent sparse function encodings.

  • Thus, consistent functional bases emerge from the network without explicit supervision.

πŸ”‘ Key Contributions

    1. Model does not require precomputed basis functions.
      (Typical bases such as Laplacian (on graphs) or Laplace-Beltrami (on mesh surfaces) eigen functions need extra preprocessing time.)
      Thus, be able to avoid the overhead of preprocessing by predicting dictionaries
      while also synchronizing them simultaneously.
    1. Paper's dictionaries are application driven,
      so each atom of the dictionary iteself can attain a semantic meaning
      associated with small scale geometry, such as a small part or a keypoint.
      (While LB eigenfunctions are only suitable for approximating continuous and smooth functions due to basis truncation)
    1. Model's NN becomes synchronizer,
      without any explicit canonical bases
      (While previous works define canonical bases,
      and the synchronization is achieved from the mapping
      between each individual set of bases and canonical bases)
    1. Paper obtains a data-dependent dictionary
      (Compared with calssical dictionary learning works
      that assume a universal dictionary for all data instances)
      that allows non-linear distortion of atoms
      but still preserves consistency,
      which endows additional modeling power
      without sacrificng model interpretability.

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš–οΈ Problem Statement

  • Given a collection of shapes {Xi}, each of which has
    a sample function of specific semantic meaning {fi}
    (e.g. indicator of a subset of semantic parts or keypoints),
    we consider the problem of
    1) sharing the semantic information across the shapes, and
    2) predicting a functional dictionary A(X;Θ) for each shape
    that linearly spans all plausible semantic functions on the shape (Θ: NN weights)

  • Assume that shape is given as n points sampled on its surface,
    a function f is represented with a vector in ℝ^n (a scalar per point),
    and atoms of the dictionary are represented as columns of a matrix A(X;Θ) ∈ ℝ^(n x k),
    (k: sufficently large number for the size of dictionary)

  • Note that the column space of A(X;Θ)
    can include any function f
    if it has all Dirac delta functions of all points as columns.

  • Paper aims at finding a much lower-dimensional vector space
    that also contains all plausible semantic functions.

  • Also, force the columns of A(X;Θ)
    to encode atomic semantics in applications
    such as atomic instances in segmentation,
    by adding appropriate constraints.

⭐ Methods


  • Paper's network is trained on
    point cloud representations of shape geometry
    and associated semantic functions on that point cloud.

  • These functions express a shared semantic understanding of the shapes
    but are not coordinated in any way.

  • Network is able to produce a small dictionary of basis functions for each shape,
    a dictionary whose span includes
    the semantic functions provided for that shape.

  • Even though our shapes have
    independent discretizations and no functional correspondences are provided,
    network can generate latent bases,
    in a consistent order,
    that reflect the shared semantic structure among the shapes.

Deep Functional Dictionary Learning Framework

General Framework

NN input: pairs of a shape X
including n points and a function f ∈ ℝ^n

NN output: matrix A(X;Θ) ∈ ℝ^(n x k)
as a dictionary of functions on the shape.

Proposed Loss function:
loss function is designed for minimizing both
1) projection error from the input function f
to the vector space A(X;Θ)
2) number of atoms in the dictionary matrix.

  • where x ∈ ℝ^k : linear combination weight vector,
    Ξ³: weight for a regularization
    F(A(X;Θ)): function that measures the projection error,
    l2,1-norm : regularizer inducing structured sparsity,
    encouraging more columns to be zero vectors.
    C(A(X;Θ), x): set of constraints on both A(X;Θ) and x
    depending on the applications.
    For example, when the input function in an indicator(binary function,
    we constrain all elements in both A(X;Θ) and x
    to be in [0, 1] range

  • Note paper's loss minimization is a min-min optimzation problem
    πŸ‡ inner minimization (embedded in loss function in Eq.1)
    optimizes the reconstruction coefficients
    based on the shape dependent dictionary predicted by the network.
    🍊 outer minimization,
    minimizes our loss function,
    updates the NN weights to predict a best shape dependent dictionary.

  • Nested minimization generally does not have an analytic solution due to the constraint on x.
    Thus, impossible to directly compute the gradient of L(A(X;Θ); f) without x.
    solve this by an alternating minimization scheme as describe in Alogrithm.1

    In a single gradient descent step,
    first minimize F(A(X;Θ); f) over x with the current A(X;Θ),
    and then compute the gradient of L(A(X;Θ); f) while
    fixing x.

Adaptation in Weakly-supervised Co-segmentation

  • Some constraints for both A(X;Θ) and x
    can be induced from the assumptions of
    input function f and the properties of the dictionary atoms.

  • In the segmentation problem, we take an indicator function of a set of segments as an input,
    and we desire that each atom in the output dictionary indicates an atomic part Figure 1 (a).
    This, we restrict both A(X;Θ) and x to have values in the [0 ,1] range.

  • Atomic parts in the dictionary must partition the shape,
    meaning that each point must be assigned to one and only one atom.
    πŸ”½ Thus, we add sum-to-one constraint for every row of A(X;Θ)

  • The set of constraints for the segmentation problem is defined as follows:

    where A(X;Θ)i,j : (i, j)-th element of matrix A(X;Θ)
    0 and 1 : vectors/matrices with an appropriate size
    The first constraint on x is incorporated in solving the inner minimization problem,
    second and third constraints on A(X;Θ) can simply be implemented
    by using softmax activation at the last layer of the network.

Adaptation in Weakly-supervised Keypoint Correspondence Estimation

  • Similarly with the segmentation problem,
    the input function in the keypoint correspondence problem is also
    an indicator finction of a set of points (Fig 1(b))

  • Thus, use the same [0,1] range constraint for both A(X;Θ) and x.

  • Each atom needs to represent a single point,
    and thus we add sum-to-one constraint
    for every column of A(X;Θ):

  • For robustness, a distance function from the keypoints can be used a input
    instead of the binary indicator function.

  • Paper uses a normalized Gaussian-weighed distance function g in experiment:

Adaptation in Smooth Function Approximation and Mapping

  • For predicting atomic functions
    whose linear combination can approximate any smooth function,
    we generate the input function by
    taking a random linear combination of LB bases functions (Fig 1(c))
  • Also, use a unit vector constraint for each atom of the dictionary:

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ”¬ Experimental Results

ShapeNet Keypoint Correspondence

red line: best one-to-one correspondences between GT and predicted keypoints for each shape
green line: correspondence between GT labels and atom indices for all shapes

ShapeNet Semantic Part Segmentation

S3DIS Instance Segmentation

MPI-FAUST Human Shape Bases Synchronization

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