standard MLPs are poorly suited for low-dimensional coordinate-based vision and graphic tasks.
MLPs have difficulty learning high frequency functions referred as "spectral bias"
: NTK(Neural Tangent Kernel) theory suggests that this is beacuse standard coordinate-based MLPs correspond to kernels with a rapid frequency falloff,
which prevents them from being able to represent the high-frequency content present in naural images and scenes.
This paper leverage NTK theory and simple experimetns to show that a Fourier feature mapping can be used to overcome the spectral bias of coordinate-based MLPs towards low frequencies by allowing them to learn much higher frequencies.
This paper demonstrates that arandom Fourier feature mappin with an appropriately chosen scale can dramatically improve the performan cof coordinate-based MLPs across many low-dimensional tasks in computer vision and graphics.
This paper considers low-dimensional regression tasks, wherein
inputs: assumed to be dense coordinates in a subset of ℝ^d for small values of d (e.g.pixel coordinates)
Two signification implications when viewing deep networks through the lens of kernel regression
1) composed NTK to be shift-invariant over the input domain.
A Fourier feature mapping of input coordinates makes the composed NTK shift-invariant, acting as a convolution kernel over the input domian.
2) control the bandwidth of the NTK to improve training speed and generalization.
This paper shows Fourier feature input mapping can be tuned to lie between underfitting and overfitting extremes, enabling both fast convergence and low test error.
Fourier feature and the composed neural tangent kernel
Effects of Fourier feature on network convergence
Tuning Fourier features in practice
This paper leverages NTK theory to show that a Fourier feature mapping can make coordinate0based MLPs better suited for modeling functions in low dimensions, therby overcoming th espectral bias inherent in coordinate-based MLPs.
Experimentally show that tuning the Fouriere feature parameters offers control over the frequency falloff of the combined NTK and improves performance across a range of graphics and imaging tasks.