Current network architectures for such implicit neural representations are
1) incapable of modeling signals with fine detail,
2) fail to represent a signal's spatial and temporal derivatives,
despite these are essentail to physical signals as the solution to partial differential equations.
Most of recent representations build on ReLU-based MLPs.
While promising,
1) lack the capacity to represnet fine details in the underlying signals
2) do not represent the derivatives of a target signal well
due to ReLU networks are piecewise linear, their second derivative is zero anywere, and thus incapable of modeling info contained in higher-order derivatives of natural signal.
While alternative activations, such as tanh or softplus, capable of representing higher-order deriv,
This paper demonstrated their deriv are not well behaved and fail to represent details.
➡️ This paper leverage MLPs with periodic activation functions for implicit representations, which is capable of representing details in the singals.
A continuous implicit neural representation using sine as periodic activation functions that fits complicated signals, such as natural images and 3D shapes, and their derivatives.
An initialization scheme for training these representations and
validation that distributions of these representations can be learned using hypernetworks.
Demonstration of applications in: image, video, and audio representation;
3D shape reconstruction;
solving first-order differential equations that aim at estimating a signal by supervising only with its gradients;
and solving second-order differential equations.
Goal: to solve problems of the form of a class of functions Φ that satisfy equations
This implicit problem formulation's
-input: spatial or spatio-temporal coordinates x ∈ ℝ^m and optionally, derivatives of Φ w.r.t theses coordinates.
-goal: to learn a NN that parameterizes Φ to map x.
-Φ is implicitly defined by the relation defined by F and this paper refer to neural NN that parametrizes such implicitly defined functions as implicit neural representations.
This paper cast this goal as a feasibility problem,
where a function Φ is sought that satisfies a set of M constraints
each of which relate the function Φ and/or its derivatives to quantities a(x):
This problem be cast in a loss function that penalizes deviations from each of the constraints on their domain Ωm:
with the indicator function
1Ωm = 1 when x ∈ Ωm
1Ωm = 0 when x ∉ Ωm
This paper parameterize functions Φθ as FCNN with parameters θ,
and solve the resulting optimization problem using gradient descent.
This paper proposes SIREN, a simple NN architeucture for implicit neural representations that uses the sine as a periodic activation function:
Any derivative of a SIREN is itself a SIREN, Therefore, the derivatives of a SIREN inherit the properites of SIRENs,
enabling to supervise any derivate of SIREN with complicated signals.
case of finding the function Φ: ℝ^2 -> ℝ^3,
x -> Φ(x),
that parameterizes a given discrete image f.
image defines a dataset D = {(xi, f(xi))} of pixel coordinates xi = (xi, yi).
This Only constraint C compels is that
Φ output image colors at pixel coordinstaes, soley depending on Φ(none of its deriv)
and f(xi), with the form C(f(xi), Φ(x)) = Φ(xi) - f(xi)
which can be translated into the loss below
This paper fit Φθ using comparable network architectures with different activation functions to a natural image.
(RelU network with positional encoding and SIREN)
Supervise this experiment on the image values,
also visualize the graidents ∇f and Laplacians ∆f.
SIREN is the only network capavle of also representingg the derivative of the signal.
Fig 2 shows simple experiment, this paper fit a short video with 300 frames and with a resolution of 512 x 512 pixels
using both ReLU and SIREN MLPs.
SIREN MLPs is successful in representing the video with an average peak signal-to-noise-ratio close to 30dB,
outperforming the ReLU baseline by about 5dB.