Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions

YEOM JINSEOP·2023년 7월 29일

ML For 3D Data

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🚀 Motivations

  • Current network architectures for such implicit neural representations are
    1) incapable of modeling signals with fine detail,
    2) fail to represent a signal's spatial and temporal derivatives,
    despite these are essentail to physical signals as the solution to partial differential equations.

  • Most of recent representations build on ReLU-based MLPs.
    While promising,
    1) lack the capacity to represnet fine details in the underlying signals
    2) do not represent the derivatives of a target signal well
    due to ReLU networks are piecewise linear, their second derivative is zero anywere, and thus incapable of modeling info contained in higher-order derivatives of natural signal.
    While alternative activations, such as tanh or softplus, capable of representing higher-order deriv,
    This paper demonstrated their deriv are not well behaved and fail to represent details.

➡️ This paper leverage MLPs with periodic activation functions for implicit representations, which is capable of representing details in the singals.

🔑 Key contributions

  • A continuous implicit neural representation using sine as periodic activation functions that fits complicated signals, such as natural images and 3D shapes, and their derivatives.

  • An initialization scheme for training these representations and
    validation that distributions of these representations can be learned using hypernetworks.

  • Demonstration of applications in: image, video, and audio representation;
    3D shape reconstruction;
    solving first-order differential equations that aim at estimating a signal by supervising only with its gradients;
    and solving second-order differential equations.

⭐ Formulation

  • Goal: to solve problems of the form of a class of functions Φ that satisfy equations

  • This implicit problem formulation's
    -input: spatial or spatio-temporal coordinates x ∈ ℝ^m and optionally, derivatives of Φ w.r.t theses coordinates.
    -goal: to learn a NN that parameterizes Φ to map x.
    -Φ is implicitly defined by the relation defined by F and this paper refer to neural NN that parametrizes such implicitly defined functions as implicit neural representations.

  • This paper cast this goal as a feasibility problem,
    where a function Φ is sought that satisfies a set of M constraints

    each of which relate the function Φ and/or its derivatives to quantities a(x):

  • This problem be cast in a loss function that penalizes deviations from each of the constraints on their domain Ωm:

    with the indicator function
    1Ωm = 1 when x ∈ Ωm
    1Ωm = 0 when x ∉ Ωm

  • This paper parameterize functions Φθ as FCNN with parameters θ,
    and solve the resulting optimization problem using gradient descent.

Periodic Activations for Implicit Neural Representations

  • This paper proposes SIREN, a simple NN architeucture for implicit neural representations that uses the sine as a periodic activation function:

  • Any derivative of a SIREN is itself a SIREN, Therefore, the derivatives of a SIREN inherit the properites of SIRENs,
    enabling to supervise any derivate of SIREN with complicated signals.

Simple example: fitting an image

  • case of finding the function Φ: ℝ^2 -> ℝ^3,
    x -> Φ(x),
    that parameterizes a given discrete image f.

  • image defines a dataset D = {(xi, f(xi))} of pixel coordinates xi = (xi, yi).

  • This Only constraint C compels is that
    Φ output image colors at pixel coordinstaes, soley depending on Φ(none of its deriv)
    and f(xi), with the form C(f(xi), Φ(x)) = Φ(xi) - f(xi)
    which can be translated into the loss below

  • loss:

  • This paper fit Φθ using comparable network architectures with different activation functions to a natural image.
    (RelU network with positional encoding and SIREN)

  • Supervise this experiment on the image values,
    also visualize the graidents ∇f and Laplacians ∆f.

  • SIREN is the only network capavle of also representingg the derivative of the signal.

  • Fig 2 shows simple experiment, this paper fit a short video with 300 frames and with a resolution of 512 x 512 pixels
    using both ReLU and SIREN MLPs.

  • SIREN MLPs is successful in representing the video with an average peak signal-to-noise-ratio close to 30dB,
    outperforming the ReLU baseline by about 5dB.

Distribution of activations, frequncies, and a principled initialization scheme

  • This paper presents a pincipled initialization scheme necessary for the effective training of SIRENs.
  • Key idea in initialization scheme is to preserve the distribution of activations through the network so that the final output at initialization does no depend on the number of layers.
  • Please refer the paper of details.

👨🏻‍🔬 Experimental Results

Solving the Poisson Equation

  • This paper demonstrated that the proposed representation accurately represent a function and its derivatives,
    also can be supervised solely by its derivatives.

Poisson image reconstrunction

  • Solving the Poisson equation enables the reconstruction of images from their derivatives.
  • Supervising the implicit representaion with either GT gradients via Lgrad. or Laplacians via Llapl. successfully reconstructs the image.

Poisson image editing

  • Imaes can be seamlessly fused in the gradient domain.
  • Φ is supervised using Lgrad,
    where ∇xf(x) is a composite function of the gradients of two images f1,2:

Representing Shapes with Signed Distance Functions

  • This paper fit a SIREN to an oriented point cloud using a loss of the form
  • The model Φ(x) is supervised using oriented points sampled on a mesh,
    where thie paper require the SIREN to respect Φ(x) = 0 and its normals n(x) = ∇f(x)
  • During training, each minibatch contains an equal number of points on and off the mesh, each one randomly sampeld over Ω.
  • Fig 4 shows the proposed periodic activations significantly increase the details of objects and the complexity of scenes that can be represented by these neural SDFs
    parameterizing a full room with only a single five-layer FCNN.
  • This is in constrast to concurrent work that addresses the same failure of conventional MLP arch to represent complex or large scenes by
    locally decoding a discrete representation, such as a voxelgrid, into an implicit neural representation of geometry.

  • please refer to papers about solving the Helmholts and Wave Equations.

✅ Conclusion

  • This paper demonstrates that periodic activation functions are ideally suited for representing complex natural signals and their derivatives using implicit neural representations.

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