Learning Implicit Fields for Generative Shape Modeling

YEOM JINSEOP·2023년 7월 24일

ML For 3D Data

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🚀 Motivations

  • In generative modeling of 3D shapes, the shapes produced by SOTA methods still fall far short in terms of visual quality.

  • This is reflected by a combination of issues including low-resolution outputs, overly smoothed or discontinuous surfaces, as well as a variety of topological noise and irregularities.

⭐ Methods

  • This paper introduces an implicit field decoder, called IM-NET, for shape generation, aimed at improving the visual quality of the generated shapes.
  • It takes a point coordinate (x, y, z), along with a feature vector encoding a shape, and outputs a value which indicates whether the point is outside the shape or not.
  • IM-NET follows an encoder which outputs the shape featue vectors and then return an implicit field to define an output shapes.
  • Decoder output can be sampled at any resolution and is not limited by the resolution of the training shapes.
  • Concatenate point coordinates with shape features, feeding both as input to implicit decoder, which learns the inside/outside status of any point realtive to a shape.

  • IM-NET learns shape boundaries (Fig 3)

  • IM-NET can input an arbitrary 3D point and learn a continuous implicit field without discretization.

  • This paper embed IM-NET into several contemporoary analysis and synthesis frameworks, including autoencoders(AEs) variational autoencoders(VAEs), and generative adversarial networks(GANs), by replacing the decoders employed by current approachis with IM-NET.

Implicit decoder and shape generation

  • For a closed shape, this paper defines the inside/outside field F of the shape by taking the sign of its signed distance field.

Network structure of IM-NET

  • skip connections make the learning progress faster in the experiments.
  • The loss function is a weighted mean squared error between ground truth labels and predicted labels for each point. Lset S be a set of points sampled from the targe shape,

👨🏻‍🔬 Experimental Results

  • Dataset: 256^3 vowlized and flood filled 3D models from ShapeNet Core dataset(v1)
  • This paper first used Marching Cubes to obtain meshes from the 256^3 voxelized models, then use Poisson-disk Sampling to obtain 10000 points.

Auto-encoding 3D Sahpes

  • Although CNN-AE beats IM-AE in nearly all five catgories in terms of MSE, IOU, and CD,
  • Visual examination clearly reveals that IM-AE produces better results, as shown in Fig 4.
  • This validates that LFD is a better visual similarity metric for 3D shapes.

3D shape generation and interpolation

  • For evaluating the implicit decoder for generative modeling of 3D shapes, This paper trained latent-GANs on both CNN-AE and IM-AE to obtain CNN-GAN and IM-GAN.
  • COV-LFD: For each shape in sample set A, find its closest neighbor in testint set G using LFD, mark "matched". ➡️ calculate the percentage of G marked as "matched" to obtain the converage score(COV-LFD).
  • MMD-LFD: This paper matchs every shape in testing set G to the one in smaple set A with the minimum distance and compute the mean distance in the matching as Minimum Matching Distance(MMD-LFD).
  • Ideally, a good generative model would have higher COV-LFD and lower MMD-LFD values.
  • Overall, IM-GAN performs better on both COV-LFD and MMD-LFD.

2D shape generation and interpolation.

  • This paper conducted experiments on the MNIST dataset to evaluate IM-GAN for 2D shape generation.
  • Substitued the CNN decoders of VAE and WGAN with this paper's implicit decoders to obtain VAEIM and WGANIM.
  • Inception socre for MNIST(IS) and the log-likelihood produced by PWE(Parzen-window estimate)
  • Models equipped with paper's implicit decoder generally perform better.

Single-view 3D reconstruction (SVR)

✅ Conclusion

  • This paper introduced an implicit field decoder to learn shape boundaries.
  • IM-NET can be easily plugged into contemporary deep neural networks for a variety of applications including shape auto-encoding, generation, interpolation, and single-view reconstruction.
  • Paper's implicit decoder does lead to cleaner surface boundaires, allowing both part movement and topology changes during interpolation.

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