UCSG-NET - Unsupervised Discovering of Constructive Solid Geometry Tree

YEOM JINSEOP·2023년 9월 12일

ML For 3D Data

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🚀 Motivations

  • Methods based on SDF struggle to reconstruct non-convex shapes.

  • One remedy is to incorporate a CSG(constructive solid geometry) framework
    that represents a shape
    as a decomposition into primitives.

  • It allows to embody a 3D shape of high complexity and non-convexity
    with a simple tree representation of Boolean operations.

  • 🤔 Neverthless, existing approaches are supervised
    and require the entire CSG parse tree
    that is given upfront during the training process.

1️⃣ Existing methods for representing meshes,
such as BSP-NET and CVXNET's drawbacks
1) generating mesh from predicted planes
requires an additional post-processing step.
2) assume any object can be decomposed into a union of convex primitives
➡️ While holding, it requires many such primitives
to represent concave shapes.
3) Decoding process is difficult to explain
and modified with some external exprt knowledge

2️⃣ CSG-NET utilize CSG parse tree
to represent 3D shape construction process
➡️ require expensive supervision
that assumes assigned CSG parse tree
for each example given during training.

  • ✅ Paper proposes a model UCSG-NET
    for representing 3D meshes
    capable of learning CSG parse trees
    in an unsupervised manner

  • Suggested model predicts parameters of primitive
    and binarize their SDF representation
    through differentiable indicator function.

  • Achieve goals by introducing CSG Layers
    capable of learning explainable Boolean operations
    for pairs primitives.

🔑 Key Contributions

  • First method able to predict CSG tree
    without any supervision.

  • Achieve SOTA results on the 2D reconstruction task
    comparing to CSG-NET trained in a supervised manner.

  • Predictions of method are fully interpretable
    and can aid in CAD applications.

  • Define and describe a novel formulation of
    constructive solid geometry operations
    for occupancy value representations
    for 2D and 3D data.

⭐ Methods


  • End-to-end neural network model
    that predicts parameters of simple geometric primitives
    and their constructive solud geometry composition
    to reconsturct a given object.

  • User can predict the CSG parse tree
    that can be further passed to an external rendering SW
    in order to reconstruc the shape

  • To achieve this, model predicts primitive shapes
    in SDF representation.
    Then, converts them into a occupancy values O
    taking 1 : if a point in the space is inside the shape
    0: outside the shape.

  • CSG operations on such a representation
    are defined as clipped summations
    and differences of binary values.
    Model dynamically chooses which operation should be used.

  • During validation, retrieve the predicted CSG parse tree and shape primitives,
    and pass them to the rendering SW.

  • Thus, we need a single point in 3D space
    to infer the structure of the CSG tree.
    It is possible since primitive parameters and CSG opeartions
    are predicted independently from sampled points.

Constructive Solid Geometry Network

  • UCSG-NET is composed of

1) encoder

  • Using an encoder
    process input object I
    by mapping it into low dimensional vector z
    of length d

  • Depending on the data type,
    use either a 2D or 3D CNN as an encoder.

  • Latent vector is then passed to the
    primitive parameter prediction network

2) primitive parameter prediction network

  • Extract the parameters of the primitives,
    given the latent representation of
    the input object.

  • Consists of multiple fully connected layers
    interleaved with activation functions.
    Last layer predicts parameters of primitives
    in the SDF representation.

  • Consider primitives such as boxes and shpere
    that allow us to calcuate signed distance.

  • Network produces N tuples of

    pi ∈ ℝ ^dp: describes vector of parameters of a particular shape (ex. radius of a sphere),
    ti ∈ ℝ ^dt: translation of the shape
    qi ∈ ℝ ^dq: rotation represented as a quaternion
    for 3D shapes and a matrix for 2D shapes.

  • Further combine k different shapes
    to be predicted by using a fully connected layer
    for each shape type seaparately,
    ➡️ thus producing kN = M shapes
    and M x(dp + dt+ dq) parameters in total

  • Once parameters are predicted,
    use them to calcuate SDV for sampled points x
    from volume of space
    that boundaries are normalized to unit square.

  • For each shape,
    that has an analytical equation dist
    parameterized by p
    that calcuates SD from a point x to its surface,
    we obtain

3) SDF to indicator function converter

  • CSG operations in SDF representation
    are often defined as
    a combination of min and max functions
    on distance values.

  • one has to apply either
    LogSumExp operation as in CVXNET
    or standard Softmax function
    to obtain differentiable approximation

  • However, paper casts problem
    to predict CSG operations
    for occupancy-valued sets
    🔥 motivation: these are linear combinations,
    hence provide better training stability.

  • Transfrom signed distance D
    to occupancy values O ∈ {0, 1}.

  • Paper uses parameterized α cliping function
    that is learned with the rest of the piple line:

    (α: learnable scalar, > 0,
    [⋅][0,1] clips values to the given range
    O: approximation of occupancy values
    O=1 : inside the surface of shape,
    O∈[0,1): outside of the shpae)

  • Graudal leraning of α allows
    to distribute gradients to all shpaes
    in early stages of training.
    (α=1 in paper's experiments
    and value is pushed towards 0
    by optimizing jointly with the rest of parameters
    by adding |α| term to the optimized loss.)

4) constructive solid geometry layers

  • Predicted sets of occupancy values
    and output of the encoder z
    are passed to a sequence of L >= 1 CSG layers
    that combine shapes using boolean operatos:
    union ∪, intersection ∩, difference -*.

  • CSG operations for two sets A and B are describe as:

  • To choose operands A and B,
    denoted as left and right operands,
    from input shape O(l)
    that would compose the output shape in O(l+1),
    paper created two learnable matrices

  • Vectors stored in orws of these matrices
    serve as keys for a query z
    to select appropriate shapes
    for all 4 operations.

  • Input latent code z
    is used as a query
    to retrieve the most appropriate operand shapes
    for each layer.

  • Perfrom dot porduct between matrices
    K left, K right and z,
    and compute softmax along M input shapes.

  • Index of a particular operand
    is retrieved using Gumbel-Softmax reparametrization
    of the categorical distribution:

    (ci: sample from Gumbel(0,1))

  • Benefit of reparametrization
    1) expectation over the distribution
    stays the same
    despite changing τ.
    2) we can manipulate τ
    so for τ -> 0
    the distribution degenerates to categorical distribution.
    ➡️ Hence, a single shape selection replaces
    the funzzy sum of all input shapes in that case.

  • That way, allow the network
    to select the most appropriate shape
    for the composition during learning
    by decreasing τ gradually.

  • By the end of the learning process,
    we can retireve a single shape
    to be used for the CSG.

  • temperature τ is learned jointly
    with the rest of the parameters.

  • Left and right operands are retrieved as:

  • Set of output shapes from the l+1 CSG layer
    is obtained by performing
    all operations in Eq.2
    on selected operands:

  • By performing these operations manually,
    increase the diversity of possible shape combinstaions
    and leave to the model
    which operations should be used for the reconstruction.

Additional information passing

  • The info about what is left to reconstruct
    changes layer by layer.

  • Therefore, incorporate it into the latent code
    to improve the reconstruction quality
    and stabilize training.

  • Fisrtly, encode

    with a neural network h
    containing a single hidden layer.

  • Employ GRU unit
    input: latent code z ^(l) and encoded V ^(l)
    output: the updated latent code z ^(l+1)
    for the next layer.

  • The hidden state of the GRU unit is learnable.

  • Initial z ^(0) : output from the encoder.


  • When α ~= -0,
    we obtain occupancy values with Eq.1

  • Thus, shapes represented as these values
    will occupy the same volume
    as meshes reconstructed from parameters

    This meshes can be visualized and edited explicitly.

  • To further combine these primitives through CSG operations,

  • Then, perform operations

🏋️ Training

  • Goal is to find compositions of primitives
    that minimize the reconstuction error.

  • Paper employs MSE of predicted occupancy values
    with the GT O*
    values are calculated for X
    which combines points sample from the surface of GT,
    and randomly sampled inside a unit cube:

  • Also ensure that network predicts only positive values of parameters of shapes
    since only for such these shapes have analytical descriptions:

  • To stop primitives from drifting away
    from the center of considered space
    in the early stages of tarining,
    minimze the clipped square norm of the translation vector.
    At ths ame time, allow primitives
    to be freely translated inside the space of interest:

  • Last component includes minimizing |α|
    to perform continuous binarization of distances
    into {inside, outside} indicator values.

  • Goal is to find optimal parameters of model
    by minimizing the total loss:

👨🏻‍🔬 Experimental Results

2D Reconstruction

  • Dataset: CAD dataset
    (consisting of 8,000 CAD shapes in 3 categories: chair, desk, and lamps
    each shape was rendered to 64 x 64 image.)

3D Autoencoding

  • Dataset: ShapeNet
  • Remaining reerence approaches outperformed paper's model w.r.t CD measure.
    It was ainly caused by failed reconstructions of details.
    such as engines on wings of airplanes,
    to which the metric is sensitive.
    ➡️ However, paper's ultimate goal was
    to provide an effective and interpretable method
    to construct a CSG tree
    with limited number of primitives.
  • Accurately reconstucts the main components of a shape
    with resembles VP approacg
    where outputs can be treated as shape abstractions.

✅ Conclusion

  • Paper demonstrates UCSG-NET,
    an unsupervised method
    for discovering constructive solid geometry parse trees
    that composes primitives
    to reconstruct an input shape.

  • Method predicts CSG trees
    and is able to use different Boolean operations
    while maintaining reasonable accuracy of reconstructions.

  • Inferred CSG trees are usd to form meshes directly,
    w.o. need to use explicit reconstruction methods
    for implicit representations.

-Fig.2 are equivalent to CSG operations
excuted on aforementioned meshes,
ex. by merging binary space partitioning tress of meshes.

  • Whole CSH tree can be pruned to form binary tree,
    by investigating which meshes were selected through

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