A High Level, Object-oriented, Multi-paradigm Programming Language.
default formatter -> prettierformat on save -> checkedPrettier -> Docs -> Options -> Quotes예를 들자면 더블 퀏을 싱글 퀏으로 바꾸고 싶음. 혹은 arrow에 관련해서 디폴트 설정이 마음에 안 들어
node.js 설치 후 Terminal -> New Terminalsudo npm install live-server -g (맥은 sudo. 윈도우는 sudo 빼고.) node -v 는 버젼 확인 터미널 zsh에서 bash로 변경
Dom stands for Document Object Model, and a structured representation of HTML documents.It allows JavaScript to access HTML elements and styles to man
Event Handler classList 함수로 modal창 제어 key press
High-level, Prototype-based / Object-oriented, Multi-paradigm, Interpreted or Just-in-time Compiled, Dynamic, Single-threaded, Garbage-collected, Firs
A Program that executes JS codes.EX. Google's V8 : V8 engine powers Google Chrome and Node.js. // Other browsers have their own JS Engines as well.CAL
Execution Context : An environment in which a piece of JS is executed. It stores all the neccesary information for some code to be executed. After co
Hoisting Execution has always 3 parts : A variable environemnt, scope chain, keyword Hoisting It makes some types of variables accessible/usable in
Destructing Arrays Destructing Objects The Spread Operator Rest Pattern and Parameters
Working with Strings (1) Working with Strings (2) Working with Strings (3)
Asynchronous code is executed after a task that runs in the "background" finishesAsynchronous code is non-blockingExecution doesn't wait for an asynch