[내일 배움 캠프 Unity 4기] W6D1 05.20 TIL

김용준·2024년 5월 20일


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  • Implement features on Select Scene
  • Divide data storage to the DataManager script

Features of Select Scene

Dividing the character of player choice should be implemented to distinguish clearly. Also the selections of Select Scene should be flexible, which means the player could not satisfy the choice on previous panel. In that case, the player want to go back to choose again. For the reason, I made go back buttons on all panels. The result can be seen in the figure

Choose the difficultyChoose the mode
Fig 1. Classified the difficulty into 3Fig 2. Player can choose the modes; Single play and Multi play

From the choice on the Fig 1 and 2, the user should choose the playable character with it's name.

Choose the playable characterInsert player name
Fig 3. Playable characters with confirm buttonFig 4. Nick name of character

All of the processes were connected with the button component on Unity. After finalizing the select scene, I faced the situation of data managing. In order to transfer the choices, I utilized Data Manager script.


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