[내일 배움 캠프 Unity 4기] W6D2 05.21 TIL

김용준·2024년 5월 21일


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  • Study delegate on C#

  • Implement features on Unity project

C# grammar; delegate

The methods defined on class could be transfered as a variable for other method. The delegate with the event would be addressed to handle the features. Comparing other method which contains the functions inside it, the difference comes from the expandancy. Without using delegate, implementation of new feature should be done with the modification of parent class. However, the delegate allow us to a lot of conveniences. By adding from the child class, the large acceptance of application would be done.
The delegate are regarded as an Bottom-up structure rather than the method-in-method, which has a structure of Top-down.

Implementation of features on Unity project

To enhance the project, we have to merge the project. However, there are many features to be implemented. The list is shown in below.
1. Distinguish the meteor with the text on database.
2. Implement win / lose game logic at multi playing mode.
3. Add audio asset on the game.

By dividing the tasks to the team member, my task is assigned to implement database with meteor text.
The sample scene can be seen in following figure.


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