RL Course by David Silver - Lecture 5: Model Free Control

HO SEUNG YOON·2024년 5월 10일

Reinforcement Learning

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On-Policy Monte-Carlo Control

  • by caching the values of our actions we kind of reduce the burden of what we required from our model

  • the issue raised from we're acting greedily as our policy improvemnet step
    • you act greedily you can get stuck, you can actually not see the states which you need in order to get a correct estimate of the value function.

  • greedy action selection!
  • Monte-carlo estimatie of the value stuck to right door in this case
    • Is this real best choice in real world?
    • You don't have to explore again?

  • Wow! E psilon-greedy algorithm!
    • This might seem naive but it has some nice properties
      It guarantees that you continue to explore, that actually improve your policy

  • prove that ϵ\epsilon-greedy really progress

  • why not do this every single episode?
    • one episode -> update Q value
    • update policy

  • how can we guarantee that we find the best possible policy

  • we have to balance two different factors

    • we continue exploring to find better thing
    • we make sure that asymptotically점진적 we arrive at best policy that not explore anymore

  • GLIE idea
    • every action from reachable states will be tried
    • needs to become greedy to staisfy the Bellman equation; Bellman optimality equation requires a Max in there
  • one simple idea is choose epsilon-greedy and decaying epsilon slowly

  • start off by sampling episodes
    • we run one episode that generates a trajectory of states actions rewards until we get to some terminal state
    • we sample that from our current policy pi
    • for each of those states and actions we update our action vaalue

  • out of these value functions really characterize exaxtly the optimal behavior in this domain. ends up with something which is the optimal policy

  • how can we actually gain efficiency by boorstrapping

    • 강화학습에서 부트스트래핑이란, 예측값을 이용해 또다른 값을 에측하는것을 말한다.

      "내일 날씨가 흐릴것 같으니, 모레는 아마 비가오겠네"

  • always using the most recent value function to pick your action -> increase the frequancy of our policy improvement to be evey single time step we're going to improve our policy

  • we're going to plug sarsa update in to out generalized policy iteration framework

  • Target (R + γ\gammaQ(SS\prime, AA\prime)) is sample of Bellman equation
    • we want to consider an expectation over everything which happens in the environment over one step (= Reward + next state)
    • we want to know what would happen under our own policy, want the expectation under our own policy from that state onwards = what we're trying to evaluate with Q - > that why we select action using the policy that we're trying to evaluate = on policy algorithm
      즉 we're selecting actions and evaluating policy

  • empirical result; in practice sarsa will working without knowing this knowledge. this is theory
    • if stepsize are sufficiently large you can move Q value as far as you want

  • naive version of sarsa

  • qtq_t^\infty all the way until the end of the episode never bootstrap from value function

  • target : n step reward

  • Q is expected total reward you get - start in state StS_t and take action ata_t and then follow policy for subsequent actions

    • n step reward is just our target

  • 가중평균

  • build a spectrum between MC and TD so we've got variant of sarsa that can look all the way out to the future

    • if we set lambda to 1 it turns into MC learning if set to 0 familiar sarsa
    • problem is that we're kind of looking forward in time. this isn't online. we have to wait until the end of the episode to able to compute Q lambda

  • Eligibility Trace
    • at the end of episode you get a big carrot
    • eligibility trace is estimate of which state and actions were responsible for receiving that carrot

  • behavior policy μ(as)\mu(a|s)

  • Big issue in reinforcement learning

    • explore the state space effectively
    • at the same time we want to learn about the optimal behavior which doesn't explore at all
  • 내가 원하는 만큼 돌아다니는 explore policy를 가지면서 동시에 optimal policy도 learn하고싶어!

    • off policy learning의 필요성

  • first mechanism
    • important sampling

  • MC learning is useless in off policy
    • extremely high variance
    • in practice useless

  • have to use TD learning becomes imperative to booptstap
    • only need to important sample over one step
    • after one step just bootstrap
  • still could be high variance but better than MC

  • Q Learning

    • specific to sarsa0

    • we're going to make use of Q values, action values to help us do off policy learning in efficient way that doesn't require important sampling

    • sampling At+1A_{t+1} from behavior policy

    • sampling AA\prime from tartget policy

    • consider the real behavior you actually took

      • considering the trajectory you're actually following
      • but every step you're also considering some alternate action -> bootstrap from Q value

  • we tring to learn greedy behavior while following some exploratory behavior
  • both policy can improve

  • just like bellman optimality equation
  • this algorithm again converges to optimal action-value function

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