- variable function approximator
- focus on Linear combinations of features as canonical case
- also non linear combination like Neural network
- if we know vπ we would know the error term easily
- error is target to correct and gradient is how to correct
- minimize 평균 제곱 오차Mean squared error
- (vπ(S)−v^(S,w))2
- feature vector
- collect of these feature vectors is kind of summarize what state condition is
Quadratic Equation이차방정식...
gradident is feature vectors x(S)
move your weights a little bit in the direction of the error multiplied by the feature vector
feature vector tells you how to correct
- Δw change our weight
- we're fitting our value vunction toward the returns, kind of supervisor learning on the returns
- even if we use non-linear value function approximation MC will converge to some local optimum or in the linear case it will find the global optimum
we get
- reward
- and query our own function approximator to estimate how much reward going to get for the rest of trajectory
we get
biased sample of true alue
TD target : one step estimate
Δw = α(R+γv^(S′,w)−v^(S,w))∇wv^(S,w)
- step size
- the error between what I thought the value was going to be and my one step estimate of the value
- gradient tells you how to adjust your function approximator
- stepsize x TD error x gradient(non-linear case) or feature vector(linear case)
Incremental online update
- build features of both state and action
- if there is no Oracle(hypothetical perfect information source that can provide the true value or the optimal action in any given state)
- we can use return as a noisy unbiased estimate of the Oracle
- one-step TD target
- lambda return
- backward view TD lambda use eligibility traces
- difference is we using Q rather than V; so we can do control
- once we have q we can pick the max over our actions, we don't need model
- we can figure out what the next action we should take is and continue to do our policy improvement step
- simple function approximator is sufficient to express quite a complicated shape in value function
- radial based function approximator
- this is an approximation of the optimal vlue function for mounting car
continuos state space
action is discrete accelerate or not accelerate; amount of accelerate is given
-> could be continuous
- if you know good feature you can transform this complicate shape more simple one
- this is Vπ but you can put knowledge in to help figure out this shape of Vπ more effectively
- typically TD0 is better than MC(very huge variance) and lambda is better TD0
- we have to find sweet spot between those
- finding algorithms effective when bootstrap
- blow up
- TD doesn't guarantee safety
chattering - getting closer but occasionally stepping away but never shoot off to infinity
issue 1: is it converge to fixed point
issue 2: if converged is it right fixed point we want
Batch Methods
given state s we're going to sample from experience and oracle said I should do this
do one stochastic gradient update toward target vπ
- standard supervised learning
- made dataset, randomly sample from that data, update in the direction of our random sample
just stochastic gradient descent update untill we get
- sarsa and TD can blow up with neural networks however this method is stable with neural networks
- two tricks
- experience replay
- it decorrelates the trajectories
- bootstrap towards our frozen(from some steps ago) target
- do not bootstrap directly towards the thing which we're updating at that moment; lots of correlation between target and Q value that moment