- Autoscale은 특정 클라우드에서 인스턴스의 부하를 모니터링해 특정 이벤트에 대해 인스턴스를 추가/삭제하는 기능을 제공하는 서비스
- 서버사이즈를 모니터링 되는 환경에 따라 자동으로 scale out, scale in 해주는 기능을 말함
Autoscale 장점
- 구매하는 개념이 아닌 임대하는 개념이기 때문에 비용절감에 용이
- 사용자는 예상치 못한 서비스 부하에 효과적으로 대응하고, 최대한 저렴한 비용으로 안정적이고 예측 가능한 성능을 유지 할수 있음
(영문 해석)
What is Autoscaling?
- Autoscaling is a method used in cloud computing that dynamically adjusts the amount of computational resources in a server farm - typically measured by the number of active servers - automatically based on the load on the farm.
- For example, the number of servers running behind a web application may be increased or decreased automatically based on the number of active users on the site.
- Since such metrics may change dramatically throughout the course of the day, and servers are a limited resource that cost money to run even while idle, there is often an incentive to run "just enough" servers to support the current load while still being able to support sudden and large spikes in activity.
Autoscaling is helpful for such needs, as it can reduce the number of active servers when activity is low, and launch new servers when activity is high. Autoscaling is closely related to, and builds upon, the idea of load balancing.