Multimodal Learning - 시각적 이해를 위한 머신러닝 9

zzwon1212·2024년 7월 26일


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18 & 19. Multimodal Learning

18.1. Image Captioning

18.1.1. LRCN for Image Captioning

18.1.2. NCE for Image Captioning

  • (참고: zzwon1212 - NCE)
  • MM positive pairs {(I1,c1),...,(IM,cM)}\{(I_1, c_1), ..., (I_M, c_M)\}
  • NN negative pairs {(I1,c1),...,(IM,cN)}\{(I_1, c_{\setminus 1}), ..., (I_M, c_{\setminus N})\}
  • Overall objective function
    i=1Mlnh(Ii,ci)+j=1Nln[1h(Ii,cj)]\sum_{i=1}^M \ln h(I_i, c_i) + \sum_{j=1}^N \ln [1 - h(I_i, c_{\setminus j})]
    • where
      h(I,c)=11+exp[G(I,c)], G(I,c)=lnpm(cI)lnpn(cI)h(I, c) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp [-G(I, c)]}, \\ \ \\ G(I, c) = \ln p_m(c | I) - \ln p_n(c|I)

18.1.3. Show, Attend, and Tell

  • The output word probability
    p(yta,y1t1)exp(Lo(Eyt1+Lhht+Lzz^t))p(\text{y}_t | \text{a}, \text{y}_{1}^{t-1}) \propto \exp(\text{L}_o (\text{E} \text{y}_{t-1} + \text{L}_h \text{h}_t + \text{L}_z \hat{\text{z}}_t))
    • Encoded word: yi1\text{y}_{i-1}
    • Query: ht1\text{h}_{t-1}
    • Key: ai\text{a}_i (annotation vectors from CNN)
    • Value: ai\text{a}_i
    • Attention Score: eti=fatt(ai,ht1)e_{ti} = f_{\text{att}}(\text{a}_i, \text{h}_{t-1})
    • Attention Coefficients: αti=exp(eti)k=1Lexp(etk)\alpha_{ti} = \frac{\exp(e_{ti})}{\sum_{k=1}^{L} \exp(e_{tk})}
    • Attention Value: z^t=ϕ({ai},{αi})\hat{\text{z}}_t = \phi (\{ \text{a}_i \}, \{ \alpha_i \})
    • Model Parameters: L\text{L}

18.2. Video Captioning

18.2.1. Temporal Attention for Video Captioning

18.3. Transformer-based Image-Text Models

18.3.1. VL-BERT

  • Text part

    • is almost identical to the original BERT, except
    • For the visual feature, the entire image feature is added by default.
    • Segment embedding: A is for text, B is for another text (for VQA), C is for image.
    • MLM itself is the same, but it now attends the visual tokens as well as other words.
  • Image part

    • is new.
    • Using Fast(er) R-CNN, RoI are extracted, and each of them is treated as a token.
    • Similarly to MLM, some RoIs are zeroed out.
    • Masked RoI classification: classify the zeroed out region based on context (visual + linguistic).

18.3.2. VilBERT

  • Similar to VL-BERT, but added cross-modal attention within the BERT.
    • Image region features are extracted using a pre-trained Faster R-CNN model.
    • Text tower is embedded using a pre-trained BERT model, then goes through additional Transformer blocks. No such additional tuning on visual side.
    • Each tower repeatedly attends cross-modal and itself, similarly to the Transformer decoder.

  • Co-attention Transformer layer
    • Q is from the self-mode.
    • K, V are from the other side.

  • Caption-Based Image Retrieval

19.1. Transformer-based Video-Text Models

19.1.1. VideoBERT

  • VideoBERT

    • Frames are sampled temporally.
    • S3D features are extracted to represent each frame (1024-D).
    • Both visual and text (ASR) are from a part of a video.
    • The main training task is temporal correspondence between the frames and ASR.
  • Training

    • Linguistic-Visual alignment task: From [CLS] token, classify if the input video clip and text is aligned or not.
    • Masked language modeling (MLM): Same as BERT
    • Masked frame modeling (MFM): Similar to MLM; Classify the image cluster
  • Downstream Tasks

    • Recipe illustration
    • Future frame prediction
    • Zero-shot action classification
    • Video captioning

19.1.2. CBT (Contrastive Bidirectional Transformer)

  • Visual and text towers are trained separately with unimodal BERTs, followed by cross-modal Transformer to learn multimodal correspondence.

    • c.f., VilBERT mixed cross-modal and unimodal attention repeatedly.
  • NCE loss does not need labels.

  • The entire model is trained end-to-end, weighted-summing all three losses (BERT, CBT, Cross-modal).

    • End-to-end training was not possible with VideoBERT, due to the frame clustering.
    • Now, with the NCE loss, the entire training can be done end-to-end.

19.1.3. Hammer

  • Task: Moment localization in Video Corpus (MLVC)

  • Two-Stage approach

    • Video retreival
    • Moment localization in (top-k) single video

19.1.4. HERO

  • Hierarchical Encoder for Video+Language Omni-representation Pre-training

19.1.5. MERLOT

  • Learns multimodal script knowledge by watching millions of YouTube videos with transcribed speech (ASR) - in an entirely label-free, self-supervised manner.

  • Learning objectives

    • Frame-level (spatial): to match images to temporally corresponding words
    • Video-level (temporal): to contextualize what is happening globally over time

19.2. Audio Modeling

  • Spectrogram

19.2.1. AST (Audio Spectrogram Transformer)

  • ViT-like Transformer model (참고: zzwon1212 - ViT)
    • ViT requires lots of data, but no such data exists for audio. Hence, ImageNet-pretrained ViT is used to initialize the weights.

19.2.2. VATT

  • Visual + Audio + Text

  • (Multimodal) Contrastive learning setting

    • (at section 3.4. in the paper)
    • Positive pairs: streams from the same location in the video
    • Negative pairs: from any non-matching locations in the video
  • Multimodal Projection Head

    • Video and Audio have fine-grained information.
    • Text has coarse-grained information.
    • Common Space Projection (at section 3.3. in the paper)

19.3. Multimodal Metric Learning

19.3.1. CLIP

  • A multimodal metric learning using large-scale paired dataset

    • At training: Jointly trains an image encoder and a text encoder to predict the correct-pairings of a batch of (image, text) training examples.
      • Mathematically, identical to making the outer-product of image and text matrices closer to an identity matrix. (the same as contrastive learning or NCE loss)
    • At testing: the learned text encoder synthesizes a zero-shot linear classifier by embedding the names or descriptions of the targe dataset's classes.
      • To make this as a classifier, use a text prompt: "A photo of a ____". Because in pre-training dataset, the text is usually a full sentence.
  • The text and image encoders are useful themselves!

    • Image embedding is semantically powered by language pairs.
    • Text embedding is also powered by visual cues.
    • Common use cases
      • Embed a text, then retrieve the closest kk images / videos.
      • Embed an image, then select / generate a sentence describing it.

19.3.2. MuLan

  • Music-Language matching: Audio / Music version of CLIP

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