Transformer for Image - 시각적 이해를 위한 머신러닝 5

zzwon1212·2024년 7월 16일


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14. Transformers Ⅱ

14.1. Transformer-based Image Models

14.1.1. ViT (Vision Transformers)

  • The standard Transformer model is directly applied to images

    • An image is split into 16×1616 \times 16 patches. Each token is the patch instead of a word.
    • The sequence of linear embeddings of these patches are fed into the Transformer.
    • Eventually, an MLP is added on top of the [CLS] token to classify the input image.
  • Shape and Architecture

    • image
      xRH×W×C\mathrm{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{H \times W \times C}
    • sequence of flattend 2D patches
      xpRN×(P2C)\mathrm{x}_p \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times (P^2 \cdot C)}
      • PP is the resolution of image patch.
      • N=HW/P2N = HW / P^2
    • patch embedding
      xclass,xp1E,xp2E,...,xpNERD\mathrm{x_{class}}, \mathrm{x}_p^1 \mathbf{E},\mathrm{x}_p^2 \mathbf{E}, ..., \mathrm{x}_p^N \mathbf{E} \in \mathbb{R}^{D}
      • trainable linear projection
        ER(P2C)×D\mathbf{E} \in \mathbb{R}^{(P^2 \cdot C) \times D}
    • positional embdding
      EposR(N+1)×D\mathbf{E}_{pos} \in \mathbb{R}^{(N+1) \times D}
    • The MLP contains two layers with a GELU non-linearity.
      • z0=[xclass;xp1E;xp2E;...;xpNE]+Epos\mathrm{z}_0 = [\mathrm{x_{class}}; \mathrm{x}_p^1 \mathbf{E};\mathrm{x}_p^2 \mathbf{E}; ...; \mathrm{x}_p^N \mathbf{E}] + \mathbf{E}_{pos}
      • zl=MSA(LN(zl1))+zl1{\mathrm{z}'}_l = \mathrm{MSA(LN(z_{\mathit{l}-1}))} + \mathrm{z}_{l-1}, l=1,...,Ll = 1, ..., L (Multi-Head Self-Attention)
      • zl=MLP(LN(zl))+zl{\mathrm{z}}_l = \mathrm{MLP(LN(z'_{\mathit{l}}))} + \mathrm{z'}_{l}
      • y=LN(zL0)\mathrm{y} = \mathrm{LN(z_\mathit{L}^0)}
  • Experiments and Discussion

    • ViT is computationally expensive. It takes 300 days with 8 TPUv3 cores.
    • ViT performs well only when trained on an extremely large dataset. Why?
      • ViT does NOT imply any inductive bias (spatial locality & positional invariance) of CNNs.
      • So it requires large data to learn those purely from the data.
      • However, with sufficient data, it can outperform CNN-based models, since it iis capable of modeling hard cases beyond spatial locality.
    • Position embedding
      • Closer patches tend to have more similar position embeddings, automatically learned from data.

14.1.2. DeiT (Data-efficient image Transformers)

  • Contributions

    • ViT does not generalize well when trained on insufficient amounts of data.
      → DeiT uses Imagenet as the sole training set.
    • The training of ViT models involved extensive computing resources.
      → DeiT train a vision transformer on a single 8-GPU node in two to three days.
  • Main idea: Distillation

    • Teacher model
      DeiT exploits strong image classifier as a teacher model to learn a transformer. DeiT simply includes a new distillation token. The distillation token interacts with the class and patch tokens through the self-attention layers.

    • Soft vs. Hard distillation

      • notations
        • ZtZ_\text{t}: teacher logits
        • ZsZ_\text{s}: student logits
        • τ\tau: temperature for the distillation
        • KL\text{KL}: the Kullback-Leibler divergence loss
        • ψ\psi: the softmax function
        • yt=argmaxcZt(c)y_t = \text{argmax}_c Z_\text{t}(c): the hard decision of the teacher
      • Soft distillation
        Lglobal=(1λ)LCE(ψ(Zs),y)+λτ2KL(ψ(Zs/τ),ψ(Zt/τ))\mathcal{L}_{\text{global}} = (1 - \lambda) \mathcal{L}_{\text{CE}} (\psi(Z_s), y) + \lambda \tau^2 \text{KL} (\psi(Z_s / \tau), \psi(Z_t / \tau))
      • Hard-label distillation
        LglobalhardDistill=12LCE(ψ(Zs),y)+12LCE(ψ(Zs),yt)\mathcal{L}_{\text{global}}^{\text{hardDistill}} = \frac{1}{2} \mathcal{L}_{\text{CE}} (\psi(Z_s), y) + \frac{1}{2} \mathcal{L}_{\text{CE}} (\psi(Z_s), y_t)
    • Distillation token

  • Experiments and Discussion

    • Hard distillation (83.0%) significantly outperforms soft distillation (81.8%), even when using only a class token.
    • The two tokens (class + distillation) is significantly better than the independent classifiers.
    • The distillation token gives slightly better results than the class token probably due to the inductive bias of convnets.

14.1.3. Swin Transformer

  • Issues with Vanilla ViT Model

    • Too much computational cost due to lack of inductive bias
      • The model need to refer to all tokens in the image, even though in most cases only the nearby patches are informative.
    • Fixed-size patches
      • Variations in the scale of visual entities are not properly modeled.
      • Pixels across patches cannot directly interact even though they are adjacent.
  • Main idea

    • Inductive Bias Reintroduced (by Self-attention in non-overlapped windows)
      For efficient modeling, the model compute self-attention within local windows. The number of patches in each window is fixed.
      • Time Complexity
    • Hierarchical Structure
      The model constructs a hierarchical representation by starting from small-sized patches in deeper Transformer layers. To produce a hierarchical representation, the number of tokens is reduced by patch merging layers as the network gets deeper. It can serve as a general-purpose backbone for both image classification and dense recognition tasks.
    • Shifted Window (Swin) Partitioning
      A key design element is shift of the window partition between consecutive self-attention layers. The shifted windows bridge the windows of the preceding layer, providing connections among them that significantly enhance modeling power.
    • Relative Position Bias
      Since only the patches within the window participate in self-attention, only the relative position bias within the window does matter.

14.1.4. CvT (Convolutional vision Transformers)

A multi-stage (3 in this work) hierarchy design borrowed from CNNs is employed. Each stage has two parts, Convolutional Token Embedding and Convolutional projection.

  • Issues with Vanilla ViT Model

    • Too much computational cost due to lack of inductive bias
      • The model need to refer to all tokens in the image, even though in most cases only the nearby patches are informative.
    • Fixed-size patches
      • Variations in the scale of visual entities are not properly modeled.
      • Pixels across patches cannot directly interact even though they are adjacent.
  • Main idea

    • Convolutional Token Embedding layer

      • The layer is implemented as a convolution with overlapping patches with tokens reshaped to the 2D spatial grid as the input.
      • The degree of overlap can be controlled via the stride length.
      • These layers have the ability to represent increasingly complex visual patterns over increasingly larger spatial footprints, simliar to CNNs. Since
        • each stage progressively reduce the number of tokens (i.e. feature resolution), thus achieving spatial downsampling.
        • each stage progressively increase the width of the tokens (i.e. feature dimension), thus achieving increased richness of representation.
      • Implementation
        • Input to stage ii
          xi1RHi1×Wi1×Ci1x_{i-1} \in \mathbb{R}^{H_{i-1} \times W_{i-1} \times C_{i-1}}
          • 2D image or 2D-reshaped output token map form a previous stage
        • new tokens
          • where f()f(\cdot) is 2D conv operation
          • channel size: CiC_i
          • kernel size: s×ss \times s
          • stride: sos - o
          • padding: p
        • The new token map
          f(xi1)RHi×Wi×Cif(x_{i-1}) \in \mathbb{R}^{H_i \times W_i \times C_i}
          • height and width
            Hi=Hi1+2psso+1,Wi=Wi1+2psso+1H_i = \lfloor \frac{H_{i-1} + 2p - s}{s - o} + 1 \rfloor, W_i = \lfloor \frac{W_{i-1} + 2p - s}{s - o} + 1 \rfloor
          • is then flattened into size HiWi×CiH_i W_i \times C_i
    • Convolutional projection

      • Next, a stack of the proposed Convolutional Transformer Blocks comprise the remainder of each stage.
      • A depth-wise separable convolution operation, referred as Convolutional Projection, is applied for query, key, and value embeddings respectively, instead of the standard position-wise linear projection in ViT.
      • s×ss \times s Convolutional Projcection
        xiq/k/v=Flatten(Conv2d(Reshape2D(xi),s)).x_i^{q / k /v} = \text{Flatten}(\text{Conv2d}(\text{Reshape2D}(x_i), s)).
        • Conv2d\text{Conv2d} is a depth-wise separable convolution implemented by:
          Depth-wise Conv2d → BatchNorm2d → Point-wise Conv2d\text{Depth-wise Conv2d → BatchNorm2d → Point-wise Conv2d}

14.2. Transformer-based Video Models

14.2.1. ViViT (Video Vision Transformer)

  • Model 1: Spatio-temporal attention

    • Naturally extending the idea of ViT to video classification task
    • Total nh×nw×ntn_h \times n_w \times n_t patches are fed into the Transformer Encoder.
    • Computationally expensive: O(nh2nw2nt2)O(n_h^2 n_w^2 n_t^2)
      • Basic ideas to reduce computational overhead
  • Model 2: Factorized encoder

    • First, Spatial Transformer Encoder (=ViT)
    • Then, each frame is encoded to a single embedding and fed into the Temporal Transformer Encoder
    • Complexity: O(nh2nw2+nt2)O(n_h^2 n_w^2 + n_t^2)
  • Model 3: Factorized self-attention

    • First, only compute self-attention spatilally (among all tokens, extracted from the same temporal index)
    • Then, temporally (among all tokens extracted from the same spatial index)
    • No [CLS] is used to avoid ambiguities.
  • Model 4: Factorized dot-product attention

    • Recall that the Transformer is based on Multi-head attentions.
    • Half of the attention heads operate with keys and values from same spatial indices.
    • The other half operate with keys and values from same temporal indices.
  • Experiments and Discussion

    • Dataset sparsity problem
      • ViT requires extremely large dataset.
      • There's no large video dataset.
      • Model 2 can be initialized with ViT.
    • Comparing Model 1, 2, 3, 4
      • The naive model (Model 1) performs the best, but most expensive.
      • Model 2 is the most efficient.

14.2.2. TimeSFormer

  • (S) = ViT
  • (ST) = ViViT Model 1
  • (T+S) \approx ViViT Model 3

14.2.3. MViT (Multiscale Vision Transformers)

  • A similar idea to CvT, applied to videos.

  • Multi Head Pooling Attention (MHPA)

    • Progressively pooling the resolution from input to output of the network, while expanding the channel capacity, following the widely-used paradigm with CNNs.
    • Pooling layers reduce Time-Height-Width resolutions.
    • Queires and keys/values are reduced to different sizes, similar principle to the squeezed convolutional projection in CvT.
  • Compared to CvT

    • cube1_1 corresponds to the first Conv Token Embedding layer.
    • After then, MViT shrinks the feature map size by pooling operations within MHPA, not conv operations as in CvT.
    • Recall that Conv Transformer Block in CvT self-contains MLP layers. This block is analogous to [MPHA; MLP] in MViT.
  • Discussion

    • Achieves slightly better performance than ViViT and TimeSformer, with significantly smaller inference cost.
    • Comparing with CNN models:
      • X3D model
      • SlowFast model

14.3. Further Readings

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