To solve this problem, all we should think is that a given number has four digits and should use a greedy method.
To solve this problem, we need to design this problem by using greedy algorithm.
We need to understand the concept and the details of this problem.
As always, I tried two different ways to solve this problem.
Since this is an easy problem, I chose to iterate over the list nums without using the max() function.
To solve this question, we need to analyze what conditions we have to derive.
This was not an easy question, whether it was valued as the easy question.
There are so many ways to solve this problem, and I will go over from the very beginning to a little more complex approach.
Read the given instructions carefully. Two arguments are given: an integer array nums and an integer val.
The problem's concept is pretty straightforward.
This problem is a well-known problem for people who are studying algorithms.
We aim to bring the maximum of the next numbers in the array except the current number.
There is not much complicated logic here, we will solve the same problem in two different ways to get used to in-place problems.
A simple way to solve this problem is by comparing two arrays.
In this problem, we are going to compare the array's value and find the third biggest number.
The concept is pretty straightforward, in which we have to return missing integers, where the array nums of n integers are in the range [1, n].