The sigmoid activation function, also known as the logistic function, is a historically significant activation function in the field of neural networks. It maps any input value to a range between 0 and 1, making it particularly useful for models where output can be interpreted as probabilities. Despite its early popularity, the understanding of its limitations has led to the exploration and adoption of other activation functions for certain types of neural networks. However, sigmoid remains a fundamental component in the toolbox of neural network architectures, especially for binary classification tasks and the output layers of certain networks.
The sigmoid function is mathematically defined as:
This function asymptotically approaches 1 as becomes large and positive, and approaches 0 as becomes large and negative, with a smooth transition around . Its "S" shaped curve is why it is often referred to as the "Sigmoid" function.
In neural networks, activation functions like sigmoid are used to introduce non-linearity, enabling the network to learn complex patterns beyond what is possible with linear models. The sigmoid function, in particular, has been instrumental in early neural network models and logistic regression, providing a clear probabilistic interpretation for binary classification tasks.
The strength of the sigmoid function in neural networks is paired with understanding its derivative, which is crucial for the backpropagation algorithm used in training neural networks. The derivative of the sigmoid function, with respect to its input , is:
This expression shows that the gradient of the sigmoid function depends on the output value itself, making it computationally efficient to calculate during the optimization process.
Implementing the sigmoid function within a neural network involves two primary steps:
The recognition of sigmoid's limitations has led to the exploration and adoption of other activation functions designed to mitigate these issues, such as ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) and its variants, which are now more commonly used in hidden layers of deep neural networks due to their ability to alleviate the vanishing gradient problem and speed up training.
- Han, Jun, and Claudio Moraga. "The influence of the sigmoid function parameters on the speed of backpropagation learning." In From Natural to Artificial Neural Computation, pp. 195-201. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1995.