Props stand for "Properties." They are read-only components. It is an object which stores the value of attributes of a tag and work similar to the HTM
Routing is a process in which a user is directed to different pages based on their action or request. ReactJS Router is mainly used for developing Sin
Conditional rendering is a term to describe the ability to render different user interface (UI) markup if a condition is true or false.리액트에서 특정 조건에 따라
Enforce separation of concerns by separating the view from the application logic container-presentationa 이란 보여지는 부분과 로직이 수행되는 부분을 나누는 디자인 패턴을 말한다. 로직
JSX is an XML/HTML-like syntax used by React that extends ECMAScript so that XML/HTML-like text can co-exist with JavaScript/React code.JSX란 JavaScrip
Functional updates >If the new state is computed using the previous state, you can pass a function to setState. The function will receive the previous
In React, sharing state is accomplished by moving it up to the closest common ancestor of the components that need it. This is called “lifting state u
웹에서 사용자에게 보여줄 요소들을 구성하는 방식은 여러가지가 있겠지만가장 대중적으로 쓰이는 두가지 방식을 알아보자.Page 단위로 관리하여 보여주는 pagination다른 하나는 스크롤을 내릴때 지정해놓은 단위별로 불러오는 infinte scroll방식 페이지네이션에
by Class Component >Before React 16.8, Class components were the only way to track state and lifecycle on a React component. Function components were
In general, we might define a lifecycle as birth, growth & death. And our React components follow this cycle as well: they’re created (mounted on the
The useRef Hook is a function that returns a mutable ref object whose .current property is initialized with the passed argument (initialValue).uesRef
by Meds Safety hook that manages side-effects in functional React