What Operating Systems Do Computer System Structure Computer-System Organization Computer-System Architecture Operating-System Operations Resource Ma
Operating System Services User and Operating System-Interface System Calls System Services Linkers and Loaders Why Applications are Operating System S
process / thread / cpu scheduling / 동기화 원리 (여기까지 중간) / 동기화 예제 / deadlock (프로그램이 서로 기다림)executable file로 An operating system executes a variety of prog
Classical problems used to test newly-proposed synchronization schemesBounded-Buffer ProblemReaders and Writers ProblemDining-Philosophers Problem새로 제
System consists of resourcesResource types $R_1$, $R_2$, . . ., $R_m$CPU cycles, memory space, I/O devicesEach resource type $R_i$ has $W_i$ instances
Background Contiguous Memory Allocation Paging Structure of the Page Table Swapping Example: The Intel 32 and 64-bit Architectures Example: ARMv8 Arch
Bulk of secondary storage for modern computers is hard disk drives (HDDs) and nonvolatile memory (NVM) devicesHDDs spin platters of magnetically-coate
I/O management is a major component of operating system design and operationImportant aspect of computer operationI/O devices vary greatlyVarious meth
Contiguous logical address spaceTypes: DatanumericcharacterbinaryProgramContents defined by file’s creatorMany typesConsider text file, source file, e
File structureLogical storage unitCollection of related informationFile system resides on secondary storage (disks)Provided user interface to storage,
General-purpose computers can have multiple storage devicesDevices can be sliced into partitions, which hold volumesVolumes can span multiple partitio