IN 구문을 위한 COUNTIF =if('1. 로직조정(사업기획팀)'!N8="운영", filter('슈퍼딜todayraw'!A:C , '슈퍼딜todayraw'!E:E '1. 로직조정(사업기획팀)'!$M$8 , COUNTIF('3. 수기 입력시트(사업기획팀)'!I5:I
Securities are financial instruments that can be bought or sold, including stocks and bonds. They are typically traded on organized exchanges or over-
I want you to teach me Bayesian Statistics from 0 to 100. Just start with 1st lecture of 100lectures. Go on! Let's go to the next lecture till we ma
Why is this function f in "$$f(\begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \\ z \\ \end{bmatrix}) = det\left(\begin{bmatrix} x & v1 & w1 \\ y & v2 & w2 \\ z & v3 & w3 \\ \end{bmatrix} \right)$$" is linear based on propert...
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